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Chapter 7 Learning Defining Learning Learning vs Innateness o Innate things that come naturally o Learned relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience How do we learn o Aristotle Associationism Contiguity nearness in time space Frequency how often something occurs the more often two things occur together the stronger the association is going to be Similarity how alike things are developing an understanding that certain events occur o Association together o Observation learning by watching others Associative Learning Behaviorism psychology should o 1 Be an objective science if o 2 Study behavior without reference to mental processes 2 types of Associative Learning o 1 Classical conditioning o 2 Operant conditioning Associative Learning Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning certain stimuli and anticipate events Acquisition a type of associative learning where you learn to link initial learning of the stimulus response relationship o Timing CS conditioned stimulus has to come before US unconditioned stimulus o Higher order conditioning a new neutral stimulus can become a new CS Extinction diminished responding when the CS is no longer paired with the Generalization tendency to respond with the conditioned response when US you get a condition that is similar to the conditioned stimulus and other irrelevant stimuli conditioned stimulus followed by your unconditioned stimulus Cognitive Processes predictability what percentage of the time is your Discrimination learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimular Biological Predispositions o Taste as better conditioned stimulus for neausea CR than sight or sound Works even if the nausea response occurs hours after presentation of the CS o Animal human sexual arousal in response to the color red o

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UD PSYC 256 - Chapter 7: Learning

Course: Psyc 256-
Pages: 2
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