I Working With People Is Just The Beginning human resource management HRM the process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting selecting developing motivating evaluating compensating and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals was called personnel evolved primarily because 1 organizations recognition of employees as their ultimate resource 2 changes in the law that rewrote many traditional practices A Developing the Ultimate Resource U S economy has shifted from traditional manufacturing industries to service high tech manufacturing industries that require highly technical job skills qualified employees are much scarcer recruiting retaining is more important difficult B The Human Resource Challenge Shortages of trained workers in growth areas An increasing of skilled unskilled workers from declining industries who are unemployed or underemployed those who have more skills knowledge than their current jobs require or those with part time jobs who want to work full time Growing of new workers who are undereducated and unprepared for jobs in the contemporary business environment Increasing of baby boomers who delay retirement or move to lower level jobs Increasing number of both single parent and two income families A shift in employee attitudes toward work A recession that took a toll on employee morale and increased demand for temp and part time workers A challenge from overseas labor pools whose members work for lower wages and are subject to fewer laws and regulations than U S workers Increased demand for benefits tailored to the individual yet cost effective to the company Growing concerns over health care elder car child care drug testing workplace violence and opportunities for people with disabilities Changes in health care laws that have added a large number of new regulations that employers must read interpret implement and track Decreased sense of employee loyalty raises employee turnover and the cost of replacing lost workers II Laws Affecting Human Resource Management Civil Rights Act of 1964 was expected to stamp out discrimination in the workplace specific language in it made enforcement difficult Equal Employment Opportunity Act EEOA of 1972 strengthened Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by giving it broad power cid 127 affirmative action employment activities designed to right past wrongs by increasing opportunities for minorities and women cid 127 reverse discrimination discrimination against whites or males in hiring or promoting Civil Rights Act of 1991 expanded remedies available to victims of discrimination right to a jury trial and punitive damages Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs OFCCP ensures employers comply with nondiscrimination affirmative action laws regulations when doing business with the fed l gov t A Laws Protecting Employees with Disabilities and Older Employees The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ADA requires employers to give applicants w physical mental disabilities the same consideration as well as requiring reasonable accommodations epilepsy heart disease major depression autism cancer Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act overturned Supreme Court decisions that reduced protections for certain people w disabilities diabetes Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 ADEA protects 40 yr olds and older from employment and workplace discrimination Court cases show that it is sometimes legal to go beyond providing equal rights for minorities women to provide special employment training to correct B Effects of Legislation Employees must know act in accordance w legal rights of their employees Legislation affects all areas of HRM past discrimination New court cases legislation change HRM almost daily III Determining A Firm s Human Resource Needs 5 steps in the human resource planning 1 Preparing a human resource inventory of the organization s employees 2 Preparing a job analysis a study of what is done by employees who hold various job titles job description a summary of the objectives of a job the type of work to be done the responsibilities and duties the working conditions and the relationship job specifications a written summary of the minimum qualifications required of workers to do a particular job of the job to other functions 3 Assessing future human resource demand 4 Assessing future labor supply 5 Establishing a strategic plan IV Recruiting Employees From A Diverse Population recruitment the set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of the right people at the right time Challenges cid 127 some organizations demand promotions from within operate under union regulations or offer low wages cid 127 Emphasis on corporate culture makes it important to hire people who fit in with the culture leadership style of the organization cid 127 Sometimes people with the necessary skills are not available internal sources current employees who can be transferred or promoted or who can recommend others to hire external sources advertisements public private employment agencies college placement bureaus management consultants internet sites professional organizations referrals and online walk in applications selection the process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired under legal guidelines to serve the best inters of the individual and the V Selecting Employees Who Will Be Productive organization Steps of a typical selection process 1 Obtaining complete application forms 2 Conducting initial and follow up interviews 3 Giving employment tests 4 Conducting background investigations 5 Obtaining results rom physical exams 6 Establishing trial probationary periods selection process if often long difficult but worth the effort because of the high cost of replacing employees A Hiring Contingent Workers contingent workers workers who do not have the expectation of regular full time employment cid 127 part time workers 1 34 hrs per week temp workers seasonal independent contractors interns co op students VI Training and Developing Employees for Optimum Performance training and development all attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employee s ability to perform Training focuses on short term skills whereas development focused on long term abilities Both include 3 steps 1 assessing organization needs and employee skills to determine training needs 2 designing training activities to meet identified needs 3 evaluating the training s effectiveness orientation the
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