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integrated marketing communication IMC a technique that combines all the promotional tools into one comprehensive unified promotional strategy I Promotion and the Promotion Mix promotion mix the combination of promotional tools an organization uses advertising personal selling sales promotion public relations product 1 Identify target market 2 Define objectives for each element of promotion mix 3 Determine promotional budget 4 Developing unifying message 5 Implement the plan 6 Evaluate effectiveness II Advertising Informing Persuading and Reminding the advertising message advertising paid non personal communication through various media by organizations and individuals who are in some way identified in propaganda non personal communication that does not have an identified sponsor retail advertising advertising to consumers by various retail stores such as supermarkets and shoe stores trade advertising advertising to wholesalers and retailers by manufacturers to encourage them to carry their products business to business advertising advertising from manufacturers to other manufacturers institutional advertising advertising designed to create an attractive image for an organization rather than a product product advertising advertising for a good or service to create interest among consumer commercial and industrial buyers advocacy advertising advertising that supports a particular view of an issue cause advertising comparison advertising advertising that compares competitive products interactive advertising customer orientated communication that enables customers to choose the information they reeve such as interactive video catalogs that let customers select which items to view online advertising advertising messages that appear on computers as people visit different websites mobile advertising advertising that reaches people on their cell phones a Television Advertising b Product Placement c Infomercials d Online Advertising product placement putting products into TV shows and movies where they will be seen infomercial a full length TV program devoted exclusively to promoting goods or services e Using Social Media to Monitor Ad Effectiveness f Global Advertising III Personal Selling Providing Personal Attention personal selling face to face presentation and promotion of goods and services interactive promotion promotion process that allows marketers to go beyond a monologue where sellers try to persuade buyers to buy things to a dialogue in which buyers and sellers work together to create mutually beneficial exchange relationships a Steps in the Selling Process 1 Prospect and Qualify 2 Preapproach prospecting researching potential buyers and choosing those most likely to buy qualifying making sure that people have a need for the product the authority to buy and the willingness to listen to a sales message prospect a person with the means to buy a product the authority to buy and the willingness to listen to a sales message learn customers wants and needs 3 Approach 4 Make a presentation 5 Answer Objections 6 Close the Sale 7 Follow up SFA sales force automation trial close a question or statement that moves the selling process toward the actual purchase b The Business to Consumer Sales Process seller assumes most people are qualified to buy except expensive products in retail first formal step is the approach approach ask questions make presentation close sale follow up IV Public Relations Building Relationships 1 Listen to the public 2 Change policies and procedures 3 Inform people you re responsive to their needs maintains close ties with company stakeholders a Publicity The Talking Arm of PR seller public relations PR the management function that evaluates public attitudes changes policies and procedures in response to the public s requests and executes a program of action and information to earn public understanding and acceptance publicity any information about an individual product or organization that s distributed to the public through the media and it not paid for or controlled by the V Sales Promotion Giving Buyers Incentives sales promotion the promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing and dealer interest by means of short term activities displays trade shows and exhibitions event sponsorships and contests internal sales promotion efforts include 1 sales training 2 the development of sales aids such as flip chars portable audiovisual displays and videos and 3 participation in trade shows where salespeople can get leads sampling letting consumers have a small sample of the product for no charge event marketing sponsoring events or being at various events to promote your products VI Word of Mouth and Other Promotional Tools word of mouth promotion people telling other people about products they ve purchases viral marketing describes everything from paying customers to say positive things on the internet to setting up multilevel selling schemes whereby consumers get commissions for directing friends to specific websites blog online diary that looks like a web page but is easier to create and update by posting text photos or links to other sites podcasting a means of distributing audio and video program via the Internet a Viral Marketing b Blogging c Podcasting d Email Promotions e Mobile Media Promotional Strategies and sell merchandise Managing the Promotion Mix Putting It All Together push strategy the producer uses advertising personal selling sales promotion and all other promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock pull strategy directs heavy advertising and sales promotion efforts toward consumers pick economy customers who pick out their products from online outlets or who do online comparison shopping

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DREXEL BUSN 101 - Notes

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