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Final Exam Notes Charlemagne 04 29 2014 Clovis ca 481 511 AD unites the Franks and founds the Merovingian Dynasty o Germanic war lord Roman population Question of the Arian Germanic rulers and the Catholic Gallo o To be considered fully Christians you needed to vow to the holy trinity and the Nicene creed Clovis converts to orthodox Catholicism 496 C E o Not Arian Christian but a Catholic one with an evolved Roman identity he accepted trinity and Nicene creed o Used this as a rallying method for his troops Battle of Vouille 507 AD Clovis defeats the Visigoths Arian Christains and secures most of southern Gaul for the Franks Frankia France The Carolingian Mayor of the Palace Major Domo o Fighting within family of who should be king o Makes most leaders week o Major Domo would be in charge when the king was not there Charles the Hammer Martel 715 741 the Battle of Poitiers Tours 732 CE o Lead Frankish armies o Capitalize on weakness of Carolingian dynasty and leads to a new longer lasting Frankish dynasty Succession problems in the Merovingian dynasty Pepin the Short ca 741 768 deposes the last Merovingian king o Charles Son o Cut his hair which is a big deal because usually war leaders had great hair and those that cut it did not need to be paid much attention Rome and the Lombards o Pepin turned to Rome o Offered himself up to Pope as an umbrella of military protection if they named him true leader of Franks Reasons for papal cooperation is this a new version of Constantine s Empire o Seal of approval from Pope in Rome The problem of Byzantine Papal relations in the 7th and 8th centuries o Growing The creation of the Papal States Charlemagne King of the Franks 768 814 C E Carolus Magnus Charles the Great o Pepin s Son inherited the throne o Better than his father and grandfather o A revival of the old concurring Roman emperors good leadership capabilities and good relation with Senate and lesser classes His conquests extending the Frankish Kingdom to its greatest o Pushed borders farther south True founder of the Carolingian Dynasty Charlemagne and Pope Leo III crowning the New Holy Roman limits yet Emperor o Went to a mass one day and against expectations of most people he was crowned o Declared not only king of franks but also new roman emperor o Nobody is sure if this was Pope s idea or Charlemagne s o Solidifies relationship between Franks and Rome o Now claims not only king but all emperor of everyone else Carolingian Christianity and its practical applications o Family before him o Useful because help keep authority and connect to the people Conversion of the Saxons A religious and imperial policy Lack of a literate tradition o Uneducated war lords The uses of Latin Christian culture o Most written text at this time came out of the Roman empire The Carolingian Renaissance and the revival of the classical Latin language o Took it upon himself to get people more educated Ecclesiastical schools and Charlemagne s Court at Aachen Capital city and royal capital Preservation of the classical tradition o No lower case letters o Both Church literature and Secular being written at this time Carolingian scholars Einhard 775 840 Paul the Deacon 720 799 and Alcuin of York 735 804 the invention of Carolingian minuscule small large letter system made copying more efficient External Invaders Vikings Muslims Magyars o All seen as external threats to Frankish kingdom or western roman empire The succession problem and the sons of Louis the Pious 814 840 o After Charlemagne died they had problems o When father dies there are no stick rules as to how his legacy will be handed down o Louis and three sons and this made a huge problem because they didn t have the oldest son takes over system o Threes sons split up Franks Kingdom Lothair Louis the German and their half brother Charles the Bald the Treaty of Verdun 843 CE o Went to war within family until they reached a settlement in which they agreed to the divide of the kingdom o Leads to future conflicts o All future wars are kinda there fault Medieval Europe Latin medium aevum Medieval o Middle Between what Time period that refers to after fall or Rome and before beginning of the modern world Mostly refers to western Europe Factors defining Medieval period o Religion Different from old empire because all were almost all Christian governments were involved with church self consciously Christian world o Politically they no longer and one big unit ruling from Rome we had a bunch ruling from different places o Population and ethnic identity changed a mixed and merged people o Emergence of a new civilization o Three main differences is religion classical elements from Greek and Rome and something with Germanic people Problem for the Franks after Charlemagne Who takes over o Political adoption Pluses and minuses of primogeniture the succession problem and the sons of Louis the Pious 814 840 o Older son gets everything was yet to be established and so after Louie died his three sons went to war with each other Lothair Louis the German and their half brother Charles the Bald the Treaty of Verdun 843 CE o Made a treaty that spilt up empire Relationship with Rome A Carolingian legacy o Propped up with Church in Rome War on the frontiers continues Muslims Magyars Vikings o Not only battling each others but also had to deal with outside pressures France and Germany go their separate ways o Before they ruled all of it together but politically and ethically they were the same at the time of Charlemagne even when two different sons were ruling over different areas it was kind of they same but as time went on they started divide this division was caused by the coming of a new dynasty Capetian dynasty beginning in 987 CE o From Hugh Capet and his royal domain o Chosen as king because they knew he would not be a strong ruler A royal family with its own reasons for stability in power o Strong kingship NOT one of the reasons o They were not very strong rulers and rarely tired to force their will on the whole kingdom because they were scared of what would happen if they tired To the east Ottonian Saxon kings beg 919 CE o A very different kingdom o A special relationship with Rome Get popes seal of approval o Also a special and difficult relationship with their own New ways of organizing society in medieval Europe manorialism underlings and feudalism Roman latifundia Basis for the manorial system life on the manor Legal basis law making occupations hereditary

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