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I II Comity a Means courtesy b The debate of whether or not we have to recognize foreign law i We do not have to recognize determined by individual ii Usually the law will be upheld unless it conflicts with public jurisdictions policy or prejudices c Voluntary Arbitration a Voluntary you are able to give up your right to trial and decide to b A neutral third person will decide the outcome of the case instead of arbitrate your case going to court c The third person does not have to be a lawyer you would choose d someone who is an expert in that field It is binding because the parties have agreed before in contract to make arbitration binding e Arbitration decision is upheld to the same standard as if the argument was decided in court III Mediation a Often happens with labor disputes ex SEPTA b A mediator will come in and go back and forth between the two sides to find an agreement the two sides do not have to talk to eat other c

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TEMPLE LGLS 1101 - Comity

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