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Corrections Inmate population 1980 2006 population skyrocketed 1 3 of inmates are held on parole violations Mandatory sentences are holding prisoners longer Correctional system now contains over 1 6 million inmates 1 in 3 adults in the US are under correctional supervision o 90 of inmates are young male minorities poor Incarceration o 1 in 36 Hispanic men o 1 in 15 African men History 10th century England prisons 12th century England disposition of their sentence 1301 Le Stinche Italy o punishments WAS incarceration o separate cells o segregated by age gender mental state seriousness of crime 1557 o Bridewell Workhouse o used to detain debtors unemployed or those waiting trial o county jails were constructed to hold thieves and vagrants before the Built to hold minor offenders Serious offenders were held there awaiting execution 1780 s 1700 Howard o English housed prisoners on hulks abandoned ships o Imprisoned himself o Believed prisons shouldn t be privatized o Also believed it was the governments responsibility to care for inmates o Population of prison this time Bentham o Outline of the construction plan for a Panopticon penitentiary house 16 petty crimes 24 felons 60 debtors Cell house Watchman theory Development of Prisons William Penn s code for prisons was adopted The only models of custodial institutions at that time were the local county jails that Penn established Walnut Street Jail o 1773 o Regarded as the first prison with addition of prison section of the jail o Carried out incarceration as a punishment o Implemented a classification system o Had individual cells o Provided a place for offenders to do penance penitentiary o Renovation in 1790 Development of the penitentiary 1816 New York built a new prison at Auburn Features from this jail are still used today The Auburn System The philosophy of the Auburn system was crime prevention through fear of punishment and silent confinement Silence and solitude was said to be the key Tier system Regimentation became a standard mode of prison life Practices such as o Lock step walk o Striped uniforms o Classification system o Ball and chain o Congregate and silence system style of control in which inmates were allowed to eat and work with each other during the day without speaking but were alone at night Auburn system was said to be o Cheaper o Have better vocational training o Less harmful to the inmates The Pennsylvania System Radical step of PA establishing a prison that isolated each inmate in a single cell for the duration of their sentence 1826 New PA state prison Western Penitentiary 1829 Eastern State Penitentiary Cherry Hill o Separate and Silent System method of penal control where inmates were kept from seeing each other and talking to one another solitary confinement resulted in mental issues isolation was impractical due to the amount of inmates Prisons of the 19 Single cell principle was often ignored th Century Tier system was adopted in all states but PA Prisons were overcrowded Prison brutality was common Development of prison industry o Contract system o Convict lease system o Prison farms Age Of Reform 1860 1900 Reform efforts Alexander Maconochie 1 Brutality and cruelty debase not only the subject but also the society that deliberately used or tolerates them for purpose of social control 2 Treatment of wrongdoers during his sentence of imprisonment should be designed to make him fit to be released to society again purged of tendencies and strengthened to withstand temptation 1870 Experts called for treatment education plans and training of inmates Irish System reintegration Zebulon Brockway Paddler Brockway Elmira Reformatory in NY o Individualized treatment o Indeterminate sentence o Parole o Planned an education o Incorporated a mark system Marks of commendation system incarceration philosophy developed by Alexander Maconochie in which inmates earned the right to be released as well as privileges Brockway used brutality but hid it Also used solitary confinement but called it rest cure Prison labor and Public works 1900 1930 work is healthy for both inmate and society The PA system thinks that too much labor interferes with rehabilitative meditation Benefits of prison labor o It is a good way to keep inmates occupied o Rehabilitative value o It offsets the cost of incarceration Now it is easier to have inmates sit in cells away from each other than have to watch them all be safely interacting Age of rehabilitation 1930 1970 1931 The wickersham commission science regarded illness crime was no longer simply a choice made by the offender o Prescribed a wide range of criminal justice reforms o Commission documented the failures of prison labor systems and tried to solve systematic problems of prison o Did not present new information Rehabilitation movement was never fully accomplished Called for deterrence rather than rehab Retribution Era 1970 s to the present events outside the prison made their way into the prisons and the inmates showed that hands off policy for prison operations prisoners organized to challenge the conditions of their confinement Black Panther Party Black Muslims o Spoke for minority inmates o Black Muslims inmates defined themselves as political prisoners Retribution replaced rehabilitation as the primary goal of the prison Changes o Determinate sentences fixed terms of incarceration were implemented based not on an inmate s needs but on the seriousness of their offenses and prior criminal record o Voluntary treatment treatment was offered on a voluntary basis this got rid of playing the parole game o Abolition of parole elimination of parole as an early release mechanism hasn t happened Elimination of discretionary parole Treatment to supervision Contemporary Correctional Institutions Today Attempts to improve prison conditions Tighten discipline Build new super maximum security prison to house extremely violent inmates Prison overcrowding has stalled improvement attempts Types of prisons Super Maximum security prisons House the most predatory offenders Inmates are locked up for 22 24 hours per day Maximum security prisons Fortress like with high walls and guard towers House the most notorious offenders High tech security measures Armed guards Medium security prisons Similar in appearance to maximum security The conditions are less vigilant and less tense Promote treatment efforts and allows freedom of movement Minimum security prisons Operate without armed guards and walls House

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