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What is abnormal get scared about what someone is doing emotions weird behaviors good definition frequency of that behavior something that doesn t happen very often rare talking about someone and caling someone abnormal is judging 1 13 What IS abnormal no single definition of psychological normality not one person agrees on what is normal vs abnormal so there is no single definition of psychological abnormality Accepted definition of abnormal behavioral things you do psychological thinks that you think or biological physiological genetic dysfunction unexpected within cultural context Have to consider what is normal in that certain culture causes DISTRESS to that person they re feeling distressed about their dysfunction and or IMPAIRMENT in functioning or increased risk of suffering death impairment death comes up in almost every disorder we talk about maybe we are seeing things and claiming their problematic but just making a cultural theme this definition will capture majority of things we re talking about Psychological Dysfunction breakdown in typically all of them sometimes not all of them cognitive functioning thinking memory people who are depressed attention ADD language problem solving emotional functioning feelings expressions physiological reactions getting in body motivation emotions tend to motivate behavior positive or negative fluctuates more than mood longer lasting than emotions or personality ex emoticons sometimes misunderstanding can t express your emotion behavioral functioning actions manners habits all the things we do linked to emotions because emotions tend to motivate behavior not comprehensive all feedback on eachother Abnormal Psychology field of psychopathology scientific study of psychological disorders tone of value in saying people of psychological dysfunctions and we can study that diagnostic statistical manual DSM 5 DSM contains diagnostic criteria DSM 5came out last year first major revision in 20 years not much different from previous very political who decides what is a disorder and what is not it is people sitting in a room talking about their patients their research advocates coming in and advocating a certain disorder to stay or take away a lot goes into deciding what is a disorder many changes went down by a committee Family of Mental Health Professionals Ph D clinical counseling psychologist covers research patients and practice seeing patients doctor of philosophy Psy D clinical and counseling doctor of psychology tend to be more patient focused less teaching and research focused Ed D clinical counseling doctor of education generally focuses on life issues in sort of enhancing someones lives and help them meet their life goals less focused on disorders M D psychiatrist other degrees can t prescribe meds have to have an MD to prescribe medication can do talk therapy or med medical sessions will get paid more doing this M S W social worker community based therapy substance clinics or clincis for low income largely stocked with social workers provides day in day out treatment psychiatric nurses M F T family therapists working with the psychologists and working with prescriptions and med management focuses on a specific type of therapy couples family types of patients are groups of people and not individuals Studying Psychological Disorders focus on three main areas clinical description the causation etiology treatment outcome how to evaluate it Clinical Description presenting problem what someone comes in to get help with description of a person cluster of symptoms where the field begins task of early psychologists to try and figure out what is going on and how do the clusters go together into a group seeing things that might indicate depression and anxiety description aims to distinguish clinically significant dysfunction from common human experience we may be able to rule certain things out 1 16 The Supernatural Tradition deviant behavior as a battle of good vs evil caused by demonic possession witchcraft sorcery pre historic BC area people looking at this and seeing that they don t have a good view of the world around them supernatural forces spirits gods alien forces etc thnking why do people who act in strange ways get very excited or very sad all gets wrapped up in supernatural tradition strange gets viewed as a battle of good vs evil and that supernatural forces are leading them one way treatments to get out of evil tortures included exorcism torture beatings nad crude surgeries or treafening drilling holes to get out of evil spirits idea was by drilling holes you would get rid of evil spirits if you didn t have a good idea of science why did the stuff in our head have any effect of getting rid of the spirits that was just a myth The Biological Tradition hippocrates said abnormal behavior as physical disease rather than supernatural something there is contributing to why we see mental illness and behavior described hysteria in women the wandering uterus idea that women have something called hysteria where they go crazy due to physical wandering uterus not spiritual cause four humors blue yellow bile phlegm black bile galen extendes hippocrates work too much blood the behaviors The 19th Century The Psychological Tradition mental institutions why don t we put these people together and have doctors experts in these constructs help them in different ways not done out of cruelness meanness but done out of saying that these people are too much of a burden on county members groups of people and also to protect the population at large from certain people who are dangerous Institutionalization end result didn t tend to be very manageable looked like prisons because we didn t have a way to handle mental illness it ended up being like a jail chaining people up and keeping them away from other patients doctors Humanitarian Reform explored environmental causes this may help but it may not just be internal problems but external problems that made them act certain ways more humane treatment of institutionalized patients realized they needed to maintain people to treat by improving environments encouragement social interaction idea that being out farmland nature tries to create a better environment that will lead to better health doctors don t exactly know what to do but that they look better in different conditions Linking the Biological with the Psychological general paresis syphilis and the biological link with madness syphilis causes several

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