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Nutrition 251 Exam 3 Study Guide Week 10 Lessons 7A and 7B Energy Balance and Weight Management Case Study Sarah and Sonia Sarah is a 25 year old female who is 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 116 pounds She currently works in a city office with a 30 40 minute commute one way and fairly long work days She has a low activity level Her diet typically consists of grabbing coffee and a bagel for breakfast not stopping for lunch but instead eating a pick me up snack mid day For the evening meal she tries to select something healthy from a restaurant Sonia is a 39 year old female who is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 185 pounds She would like to reduce her weight and has set her intake to lose one pound a week She does not have any formal exercise program and has a low activity level She generally tries to eat a variety of foods that she prepares at home Lesson 7A Energy Balance and Body Composition Chapter 8 1 If Matt drank 2 beers equal to 240 kcals every day in addition to the kcals necessary to maintain body weight how much weight would he gain in two weeks Hint How many Calories kcals are equivalent to one pound of adipose tissue fat tissue Lesson 7A and Chpt 8 3500 kcals 1 pound body weight 240 kcals in 2 beers x 14 the 14 days over 2 weeks 3 360 kcals 3 360 kcals he consumed 3500 kcals in 1 pound 96 Matt would gain 96 lb 2 What does a bomb calorimeter measure Briefly describe how it works Bomb calorimeter measures how much energy how many calories there are in a food How it works when food is burned energy is released as heat heat is captured in water and the change in water temperature is measured to determine the energy content of the food 3 The heat generated in a bomb calorimeter for protein is 5 6 kcal g yet on a food label it tells me that protein is 4 kcal gram Why are these values different The values are different because the food label refers to physiological feel value The human body is not as efficient as bomb calorimeter so we subtract 1 6 cal per gram This is because we don t burn nitrogen and are accounting for digestibility 4 List the physiological fuel values for carbohydrate protein fat and alcohol Carb 4 Protein 4 Fat 9 Alcohol 7 Need to know these values to be able to solve math questions 5 You just ate 2 slices of a medium pizza for lunch Here is the nutrient analysis 21 g of protein 75 g of carbohydrates 18 g of fat and 4 g of fiber How many kcals is in this meal Calculate the percent kcals coming from fat 21g protein x 4 the kcal value of protein 84 kcals 75g carbs x 4 kcal value of carbs 300 kcals 18g fat x 9 kcal in fat 162 kcals Total kcals 546 kcalories from fat 162 amount from the 18g of fat consumed 546 total kcals 29 67 6 Briefly what is the difference between hunger satiation satiety and appetite Lesson 7A and Chpt 8 Does the phrase feeling fuller for longer refers to satiety or satiation Hunger the physiological need for food Satiation feeling of fullness satisfaction during a meal Satiety feeling of fullness and satisfaction after meal Appetite influences the amount of food consumed is affected by sight aroma emotions routine stress is independent of physiological need factors Feeling fuller for longer refers to satiety 7 Comment on the effects of nutrient composition of a meal on satiation and satiety Lesson 7A and Chpt 8 p 233 236 Define low energy density Explain the difference between dietary fat having a low satiation in the stomach verses fat producing satiety signals when in the small intestine What nutrient is considered most satiating Protein is most satiating helps with feeling full High fiber foods also help with satiating because they slow absorption and fill the stomach Fat results in little satiation because of high energy density but is important in satiety When fat is present CCK is released to send signal of satiety and stop food intake Low energy density low amount of calories per gram of food 8 Describe indirect calorimetry in measuring energy expenditure in humans Indirect calorimetry measures the amount of oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide released 9 You expend energy ie uses food for fuel in three categories List these categories and define them For the average semi sedentary American what category is responsible for the most calorie expenditure 3 categories physical activity 25 35 thermic affect of food 5 10 energy used to process food digestion and absorption basal metabolism 60 65 energy to maintain life when body at complete rest while we are sleeping or fasting for 12 hours Basal metabolism is the form responsible for most calorie expenditure 10 If Sonia ate the same amount of kcalories from her flounder her olive oil and her rice which would have the highest thermic effect of food Flounder because it takes more energy to process protein than carbs and more energy to process carbs than fat 11 What factors or characteristics can raise basal metabolic rate BMR and what factors can lower basal metabolic rate When you eat a very low kcal intake say cut your calories in half from your usual kcal intake for a few days what happens to your BMR Raises BMR body composition more lean body mass higher BMR gender male hormones lead to higher BMR age BMR drops the older you get fever raises BMR environmental temperatures highs and lows raise BMR Lowers BMR fasting starvation or low calorie diet lowers BMR Hormones can raise and lower BMR Smoking rasies BMR 12 What variables are accounted for in the DRI equation for calculating Total Energy Expenditure this is called Estimated Energy Requirement in the text Gender height weight age and physical activity 13 What variable that could contribute to a teenager s Total Energy Expenditure TEE is not accounted for in the TEE for adults Chpt 8 p 239 Note that a body builder laying down lean body mass would also not account for this variable Growth 14 What are Sarah s and Sonia s BMI s Would they be considered underweight healthy weight overweight or obese List these cutoffs BMI formula weight in pounds inches squared x 703 Sarah s BMI 21 2 she is healthy Sonia 28 97 she is overweight Cutoffs for BMI Less than 18 5 underweight 18 5 to 24 9 healthy 25 29 9 overweight Greater than 30 obese 15 What are two other criteria besides BMI which should be used to determine healthy body status in an individual lesson 7A Why is BMI not a perfect indicator of health risks Lesson 7A and Chpt 8 Some people need more body fat explain Chpt 8 p 243 44 Percent body fat and fat distribution BMI is not a

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