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Anatomical Info General Chapter 5 Paraurethral glands of Skene female open into the external urethral orifice and are homologous structures to the prostate male Bulbourethral glands Cowper s in male Bartholin s in female homologous structures A pap smear is performed on a female to count the various cell types atypical cells and low or high grade lesions It screens for cancers Inf vesical a MALE is homologous to the vaginal a FEMALE Uterine a FEMALE is homologous to the a of the ductus deferens MALE Pelvis Fecal continence is primarily due to the puborectalis m rectal sling Thermoregulators of the testis include the pampiniform plexus the dartos fascia and the cremaster m The clitoris is homologous to the penis The bulbs of the vestibule are homologous to the bulbs of the penis Contents urinary bladder ant urinary tract int male female genital organs distal parts GI tract part of rectum rectovesical pouch vesicouterine uterovesical pouch female only rectouterine pouch female only Know m of pelvic wall innervations and fxn pg 284 286 Pelvic diaphragm o Floor of pelvis o Levator ani m puborectalis puboccygeus iliococcygeus Ant medial edges do not fuse and gap is covered by fascia Innervation S4 inf rectal anal n from pudendal n and coccygeal plexus o Coccygeus m Innervation S4 S5 Urinary Bladder Reservoir for urine Can hold 500 700 ml of urine Urge to defecate at 350 ml Trigone post and near neck of bladder Paracystium loose connective tissue contains n and vessels surrounds bladder ant and lat Innervation o Sympathetic inf hypogastric plexus lesser least lumbar splanchnic n Contracts internal urethral sphincter Relaxation detrusor m Sensory afferent o Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic n S2 S4 in inf hypogastric plexus Contracts detrusor m Relaxation detrusor m Pain and stretch sensory afferent Referred pain corresponding dermatomes post upper thigh Blood supply branches int iliac a Venous drainage int iliac v big picture o Sup vesical a o Obturator a o Inf gluteal a o Inf vesical a from int iliac a MALE o Inf vesical a from uterine a FEMALE o Vaginal a FEMALE o Vesical venous plexus which connects to vertebral venous plexus Also connects to prostatic venous plexus in males Urethra MALE o Four parts based on location 1 Preprostatic in pelvis 2 Prostatic in pelvis most dilated part urothelium Urethral crest o Seminal colliculus Two openings of ejaculatory ducts Prostatic utricle blind opening remnant of Mullerian paramesonephric duct o Prostatic sinuses o Prostatic ductules openings 3 Membranous in perineum Narrowest part Most prone to damage Fixed less mobile Pseudostratified or stratified columnar epithelium Surrounded by ext urethral sphincter o Originates from deep trans perineal m urogenital diaphragm o Pudendal n voluntary Posterolateral are Cowper s bulbourethral glands 4 Spongy in perineum Cowper s bulbourethral glands open into here Pseudostratified or stratified columnar epithelium near end is squamous epithelium o Blood supply inf vesical a middle rectal a int pudendal a o Venous drainage vesical v middle rectal v pudendal v o Innervation pudendal n pelvic splanchnic n parasymp inf hypogastric plexus symp FEMALE o Shorter o More prone to infection o Deep trans perineal m forms external urethral sphincter voluntary o Urethral glands open into it o Sup part in pelvis inf part in perineum o Greater Bartholin s and lesser vestibular glands are found around lower parts of it o Blood supply int pudendal a vaginal a o Venous drainage int pudendal v vaginal v Glands that produce alkaline secretion that contains fructose energy prostaglandins and other things This secretion Seminal vesicles Prostate makes up bulk of semen Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Blood supply inf vesical a middle rectal a Venous drainage inf vesical v middle rectal v Innervation sympathetic and parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic n homologous structure is paraurethral glands of Skene Largest accessory gland in male reproductive system Palpable through rectal examination Prostatic secretion weakly acidic citric acid prostaglandins Prostate continued Prostatic glandular tissue o Androgen sensitive castration atrophy o Secretes normal mucins o Produces pigment lipofuscin Cell types o Secretory o Basal separate secretory from basement membrane low cuboidal epithelium w columnar mucus secreting cells reserve cells that are for androgen receptors o Neuroendocrine for chromogranin A B secretogranin II peptide hormones PSA o Some urothelium and ejaculatory duct seminal vesical cells Seminal Vesicles and Ejaculatory Ducts Double layer pseudostratified epithelium Pigment lipofuscin golden brown Blood supply inf vesical a middle rectal a int pudendal a Venous drainage prostatic venous plexus o Directly into internal iliac v o Also communicates w vesical venous plexus and int vertebral venous plexus This is why prostate cancer can metastasize in the vertebrae Innervation sympathetic parasympathetic S2 S4 Broad l of the Uterus Supports and lifts uterus and Fallopian tubes Double layer of parietal peritoneum Mesometrium uterus Mesosalpinx uterine tubes Mesovarium ovaries Suspensor l of ovary covering ovarian vessels extended to pelvic wall Vesicouterine and rectouterine pouches are extensions Contents uterine a v n ovarian a v n suspensory l of ovary parts of ovary fallopian tube ureter transverse cervical cardinal l fat areolar tissue ovarian l epoophoron paroophoron Gartner s duct remnant of Wolffian s duct Not covered by peritoneum vessels and ligaments are covered by mesovarium Suspensory l contains ovarian a and v Simple cuboidal epithelium scarred in older women Cortex Medulla Oogenesis o Meiosis of oocytes is stopped in fetal life frozen primary oocyte o Meiosis continues in oocyte that will become the ovum released o Graafian follicle right before rupturing Produces estrogen when stimulated by FSH from the pituitary gland Blood supply ovarian a from abdominal aorta Venous drainage ovarian v o Right directly to IVC o Left to left renal v Ovaries Uterus Vaginal portion of uterus stratified squamous non keratinizing epithelium Place where fetus implants and grows It can extend as high as T9 near the end of pregnancy Mucosa endometrium simple high columnar epithelium Myometrium smooth muscle layer Opening of external os o Round in a female who hasn t had children o Transverse after childbirth Dynamic support pelvic diaphragm Passive mechanical support antroversion 90o Blood supply uterine a from int iliac a and

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UCF ZOO 3733C - Chapter 5

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