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TC 101 Final Review Bell vs Gray Ma Bell and AT T Rush to the patent of ce and Bell won Gray s material was stolen Bell s company became AT T through business with Western Union Social Business Impacts Established phone towers everywhere Social People were connected contributed to the development of suburbia It also contributed to more power of women Business Skyscrapers easier to do business over the phone Ma Bell demise Great depression led to AT T paying off stockholders and laying off employees Bad for democrats Communications Act of 1934 Established common carriers must offer equal service no nancial interest in content 1984 Antitrust judgement AT T had to sell off part of its company Road to wireless technology steps along the way 1937 WWII eld radios on the battle eld 1922 chicago put rst wireless devices into cop cars First sattelite Radio Telecommunications Act of 1996 impacts mergers companies could enter multiple telecom industries Dozens of mergers verizon at t deregulated telecom industry Modems DSL ber optic Modems run on sound DSL runs on digital signals ber optic all digital glass wires carries digits very fast light speed Internet Packet switching Data streams digits split up into packets Packets travel through multiple different modes less information loss Why cell phones Work in cells of geographic location 1g 2g Types of data are different As the generation increases the size of the cell decreases Apps POTS VOIP LB Wi BT genres Wireless industry Carriers and MVNO s ex Verizon owns tower and then rent it out to an MVNO like Bruce Mobile Privacy Wired vs wireless trap and trace it s a lot easier to listen to a phone call when it is wired wireless they can t hear call but they can see info about it like where the call was placed how long it was The Internet Babbage s Difference Engine computer in 1822 Transmission control protocol internet protocol standardized rules Modulator Demodulator Modem Steve Jobs Wozniak Time with Media Emotions Uses and Grats o Turns digital signals into phone sounds or vice versa they sold computers that were box ready you didn t have to build it yourself Learning Habit Companionship Parasocial Arousal Relaxation Escapism Passing Time Problem with U G self report Social Desirability Bias Cause some things they watch is socially undesirable Displacement Hypothesis bowling sleep exercise reading fantasy play community is reduced Grades and TV what s the relationship Threshold effect Tv and grades are inversely related Obesity and TV what s the relationship Why watching tv is not active it has a correlation with snacking Scary media excitation transfer scary media contributes to being excited afterwards gender role socialization females are attracted to males that are not scared males are attracted to females that are scared while watching mood management when males are sad they want to watch arousing stuff like action movies when females are sad they listen to happy music Advertising Aristotle s appeals Logos Pathos Ethos Mythos Hard Sell vs Soft Sell hard sell is like infomercials soft sell appeals to emotions Propaganda vs Public Relations Product placement it helps fund the movies etc 2 types public relations want you to like them propaganda wants to change your attitudes and behaviors Integration placement for a free supply Placement financial compensation for placement Subliminal advertising below threshold of noticing things does not work Persuasion Marketing principles sometimes forget what is really being advertised humor fear repetition if it s to gory or scary we turn away people remember it but often tune it out Elaboration Likelihood Model Peripheral route picking up information on the edges ex billboards Central route Highly cognitive Counter attitudinal messages Tools for persuasion Reciprocity you are more likely to do something if you get a gift or favor rst Commitment and consistency People strive for consistency in their behavior if you don t know how to behave you look to others for guidance Amazon Prime iTunes 1 click purchase Social proof Liking Physical attraction Similarity Compliments Familiarity Cooperation Positive negative associations Authority Authorities are more convincing Not always based on expertise Recommendation systems Popularity Crowd sourcing as an authority Scarcity First Amendment Limitations Can t insight violence obscenity sedition defamation Defamation Slander Libel something said out loud Something in newspaper Identi cation ex Get it now Limited time only While supplies last most commonly used you have to identify who they are has to be available for other people to say bring shame to someone or harm someone s reputation Publication Defamatory False Fault has to be a lie if you do not do everything you could ve to see if it was true or not Defenses Opinion Satire ex saturday night live No actual malice not intended to be malicious Intellectual Property Public Domain anything that isn t protected by copyright trademark or patent can be used for anything Copyright term life of creator 70 years Rights Reproduction Distribution Performance Derivative Display Fair Use Trademark Patent name color logo that goes with brand for new inventions 20 years

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