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I II IV V VI VII Health Psychology I area of Psychology that studies how your psychology factors can affect your physical state environment Stress Overview I pressure or demand placed on an organism to adapt or adjust to its II stress increases beyond the point that it taxes our ability to cope III distress IV increase stress in america over the past five years III Sources of stress V Stressors II source of stress VI positive or negative VII Common stressors money work economy family and friends relationships II II III IV V Hassles III annoyance of daily life that impose stressful burden VIII can contribute to general levels of chronic stress II marriage IX chronic stress is the same as always worrying about something Life events IV stress from major life events X more life changes high risk XI less vulnerable II III IV higher stress holds skills needed to afjust to changes in life circumstances some hold more opyimic attitude XII depends on how you appraise events V Frustration V negative emotional state we want to do something we cant Conflict VI state of tension resulting from two or more competing goals XIII Conflict resolution II Approach Approach II one of two positive things II easy to choose III least stressful III Avoidance Avoidance IV two negatives avoid one will deal with the other V if too negative shut down VI study for exams or write papers IV Approach Avoidance VII VIII have both positiveand negative quialities can leave goal or keep with it V Multiple Approach Avoidance IX two or more goals that both have positive and negative X XI VIII Traumatic Stressors III events that are potentially life threatening XIV development of ptsd II VI VII VIII IX avoid anything associated with traumatic experience re experiencing event impaired functioning hightened arousal emotional numning IX Type A Behavior Patter IV brhavioral pattern characterized by impatience competitive hostile XV XVI consequences Consequences of Type A II conorary heart disease X Acculturative Stress V stressed by immigrants in adjusting to a new culture XVII Acculturation can II III X XI erode family networks and relatives Withdrawing from the larger culture XVIII maintain balance less stress XI The Body s Response to Stress VI General Adaptation Syndrome Selye II Alarm Stage II nervous sympathetic system III fight or flight XII Resistance Stage IV body wants homeostasis V calming down VI fatigue frustration anger emotional reaction XIII Exhaustion Stage VII VIII heart respiration rate reduced psychological effects show II Kidney disease II Heart disease III Allergic condition IV Digestive disorders V Depression IX ever present stress today XIX Gender Differences in Dealing with Stress women tend and befriend men aggresion and hostility III XIV XII Stress and the Endocrine System III hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis HPA secretes corticotrophin CRH andreno corticotrophic released ACTH adrenal glands corticosteroids adrenal medula stress hormones XX Sympathetic branch of the nervous system triggers the adrenal XIII Stress and the Immune System IV Primary defense system against infectious disease XXI Basics medulla stress hormones II XV II Lymphocytes XVI Antigens XVII Antibody II III IV XXII XXIII XIV Psychological Moderators of Stress V Social Support II XVIII more friends family less sick you get XXIV Self Efficacy III XIX XXV Predictability and Controllability IV XX People vary on locus of control II Internal II X External XXVI III Psychological Hardiness resilience to stress II commiyment XI openess to challenges XII Optimism internal logus of control XXVII VI V Cluster of personality traits associated with increased

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OSWAGO PSY 100 - Health Psychology

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