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1 Normal vs Abnormal Behavior a Criteria that needs to be met in order for behavior to be classified as abnormal interaction between biology psychology and sociocultural factors inherited predisposition and environmental factors development of the disorder unusualness Social Deviance acting against social norms emotional distress i ii iii iv maladaptive behavior dangerousness v faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality vi 2 Models of Abnormal Behavior a Early Beliefs i demonic possessions b Medical Model i mental illness ii biological bases c psychological model unconscious conflicts ala Freud d Sociocultural takes into account can text e biopsychosocial model 3 What are psychological disorders a Deviant b maladaptive c emotional distress d classification multiple access 4 5 DSM multiaxial system a Axis 1 clinical disorders b Axis 2 Personality Disorders c Axis 3 General Medical Conditions d Axis 4 Psychosocial and environmental problems e Axis 5 Global Assessment of Functioning 6 Anxiety Disorders axis 1 a Anxiety b Types phobia panics generalized anxiety OCD 7 Phobia i i i ii i ii i ii iii iv general emotional state of uneasiness of distress associated with worry or apprehension about the future uncertainties irrational or excessive fears of a particular object or situation a b Types Social afraid of being in group or social situations 5 of population Specific geared towards objects 9 of the population Agaraohiba afraid of wide open spaces 1 of population i ii iii i ii iii iv v vi 8 Panic Disorder a sudden episodes of sheer terror b Physical Symptoms sweating nausea numbness or tingling sensation chills flashes chest pain shortness of breath c Prevalence 5 9 Generalized Anxiety Disorder a persistent anxiety not tied to an object or situation b worry about everything c Symptoms i ii iii iv shakiness inability to relax fidgeting feeling of dread 10 a Prevalence i 4 of the population 11 Obsessive Compulsive disorder a Obsessions i ii iii nagging intrusive thoughts no control b Compulsion i ii c Causes i biological ii Psych repetitive behaviors or rituals 2 3 of population 1 cooperative am gdala 1 classical operant conditioning 2 cognitive mode of panic disorder iii Cognitive Mode of Panic Disorder 1 perceived threat feeling of worry body sensation claustrophobic interpretation of sensations d Dissociative Disorders i ii iii iv v problems with memory change in consciousness or self identity affect the ability to maintain cohesive sense of self Dissociative identity disorder Dissociative Amnesia e Dissociative Identity Disorder i two or more distinct personalities within one body 1 each personality has its own way of speaking memories and traits 2 differ in gender age and sexual orientation ii Just how many different identities 1 Women about 15 2 Men about 8 iii causes 1 prolonged physical or sexual abuse as a child f Dissociative Amnesia specific loss of information or memory about life experiences 1 not caused by physical trauma i ii iii i ii iii ii i ii iii Prevalence rare 1 Causes 1 extreme severe anxiety resulting from amnesia g Somatoform Disorders physical symptoms or complaints that can t be explained medically conversion disorder hypochondriasis h Conversion Disorder i loss of physical function 1 hysterical paralysis can t move certain part of body 2 hysterical blindness can barely see 3 anesthesia loss of feeling in arm or hand Prevalence 1 Rare i Hypochondriasis Preoccupation that something is wrong with your health physical complaint or symptoms that people take to be a sign of underlying serious illness Prevalence 1 Unknown j Causes of Somatoform Disorders i Freud 1 hysterical symptoms is outward sign of unconscious struggles between opposing movements ii symptoms serve a purpose can t engage in unacceptable activities k Secondary Gain l Avoidance of anxiety provoking situation m conversion disorder i reinforced with attention 12 Mood Disorders a severe or persistent disturbances in mood limit ability of individual to function i b Depressive Disorders i Major Depression Seasonal Affective ii Dysthymic iii c Bipolar 13 Major Depression Disorder a Symptoms i ii iii iv loss of interest in activities change in sleep eating feeling of sadness or uselessness lasts months years b High chance of reoccurence c d Prevalence i ii iii 16 of adults 21 of women 12 are men 14 Other Depressive a Seasonal Affective recurrent thoughts of suicide or attempt of suicide b Dysthymic disorder i mild chronic form of depression ii iii iv less severe symptoms than MDD length 5 years Prevalence 6 15 Bipolar Disorders a Extreme mood swings from euphoria i may have normal moods b Mania i ii iii iv v restless excite talkative argumentative pressured speech flight of ideas inflated sense of self worth Prevalence 1 16 Cyclothymic Disorder a mild mood swings bipolar disorder b develop during late adolescence up until adulthood i ii fall and winter people that live in northern hemisphere get affected the most c Prevalence i Men and women affected equally ii 17 Causes of mood disorders a Cognitive i distortion of thinking patterns 4 1 of population b Learned helplessness model i ii iii internal vs external global vs specific stable vs unstable d Biological factors serotonin norepinephrine i ii 18 Schizophrenia i even when you do the best you can at something you still think that the worst will come from it c attributional style explanation for events a split brain in greek b severe chronic psych disorder c disturbance in thinking emotional behavior perception d develops in late adolescence and adulthood until death e NOT dissociative identity disorder f Symptoms i ii distortion of reality psychotic disorder positive 1 presence of something else in addition 2 all things associated with schizophrenia 3 bizarre behavior 4 disordered thoughts 5 behavioral excesses iii lacking below normal negative 1 2 apathy 3 4 withdrawal 5 social isolation iv 1 of general population affected lack of emotional response flap affect g Types i Disorganized schizophrenia 1 confused behavior 2 lack of emotion 3 neglect for general hygiene 4 5 vivid and frequent hallucinations incoherent speech inappropriate emotions 6 catatonic ii iii Paranoid 1 bizarre movements postures are grimaces 1 delusions of persecution think ppl are after them 2 delusions of jealousy 3 auditory hallucinations 4 most frequently occurring type of schizophrenia h Causes i ii iii iv Genetics strong link between schizophrenia and hereditary

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OSWAGO PSY 100 - Lecture notes

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