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1 A mixed History a 19th Century mid 20th century Large state institutions sent mentally disturbed people away b 1955 present i modern state hospital c 1960s present community mental health centers comprehensive treatment facilities outpatient inpatient halfway houses 2 Psychotherapy treatment to help people better understand emotins and behaviors a b talk therapy c Types of therapists clinical psychologists counseling psychologist psychiatrists clinical social worker psychoanalyst counselors 3 Types of therapy a Psychodynamic b humanistic c behavior d cognitive e biomedical therapies 4 psychodynamic a Founder fr b Using free association dream analysis 1 talk about what they are thinking about 1 come from therapist knowledge 1 come from therapist knowledge iii interpretation c Modern Approach 3 5 sessions a week years clients talk therapist s ask questions to peel back the layers 5 Humanistic Approach a Client centered therapy Founder Carl Rogers b Therapist Role create a warm welcoming environment unconditional positive regard i ii i ii i ii iii iv v vi i ii i ii iii i i ii 1 encourage self exploration and self acceptance iii Client s role 1 guide therapy 2 set place and tone c Gestalt Therapy i ii iii iv Fritz Perls direct confrontational role clients get in touch with underlying feelings empty chair technique 1 pretend someone is sitting in an empty chair and client confront person sitting in the empty chair 6 Behavior Therapy a Fear Reduction i Systematic Desensitization 1 Phobia Reduction ii Modeling 1 observing and imitating desirable behaviors 2 used for social phobia iii Aversive Conditioning 1 using classical conditioning to rid people of undesirable behavior a US Nausea inducing medication b UR Nausea c CS Alcoholic beverage d CR Nausea 7 Cognitive Therapy a Cognitive Behavior Therapy Founder Albert Ellis i ii What is it 1 change behavior 2 change cognitive distortion b Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy i ii iii iv v vi vii Founder Aaron Beck Corrects habitual thinking errors setbacks blamed on personal inadequacies focus on negative events pessimistic future predictions negative conclusions about self worth homework assignments 8 Biomedical Therapy a Drug Therapy i Medications that act on neurotransmitters in the brain 1 antianxiety drugs ii iii antidepressants antipsychotics iii iv i ii iii ii i ii iv mood stabilizers b antianxiety i Reduce tension apprehension nervousness 1 valium diazepam 2 Xanax alprazolam 3 Ativan lorazepam all use as needed 4 ii Tranquilizers 1 effects last a few hours Act on Gaba Treats Anxiety c Antidepressants Treat depression elevate mood SSRI block excess 1 Paxil paroxetine 2 Prozac fluoxetine 3 Zoloft sertraline 4 Act on Serotonin iv SNRI block the retake 1 cymbalta duloxetine d Antipsychotics i Treat psychotic symptoms hallucinations etc 1 Thioridazine fluphenazine 2 3 chlorpromazine 4 Act on dopamine 70 patients relapse when not taking medications e Mood Stabilizers Treat bipolar Control mood swings lithium 1 2 valproate iii Act on 1 decrease norepinephrine activity 2 increase serotonin activity 9 Other Biomedical Therapies a Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT i ii iii iv patient anesthetized jolt of electricity producing grand mal seizure 6 12 treatments over several weeks for severe depression b Deep Brain Stimulation i electrodes implanted in brain ii iii iv block ocd stimulates production of other neurotransmitters Treats parkinsons alzheimers depression 10

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