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Nadelyn Pichardo Perkins Ling 100 800 4 9 13 My friend Holly has a birthday tomorrow I have to go shopping 1 Assume buying a gift 2 Assume shopping and how to buy acquire 3 Assume birthdays are celebrated 4 Assume a certain level of friendliness 5 Assume she wants to celebrate her birthday 6 Assume I m relatively middle class 7 Assume going to a store 8 Assume I don t like shopping 9 Assume social obligation 10 Assume not best friends 11 Assume both are female 12 Assume seeing Holly relatively soon 13 Assume we know something about what she wants 14 Not children 15 Tomorrow exists will exist 16 Tomorrow will be pretty much the same as today 17 Assume stores exist 18 Assume Holly exists 19 assume I exist 20 Assume today exists 21 Assume a money based economy 22 Assume she has money 23 Assume I am female 24 Assume Holly is female 25 Assuming real world knowledge gravity earth etc 26 Assume ability physical to shop on my part 27 Assume stores are open at some relevant point between now and tomorrow 28 Assume there is a relevant point between now and tomorrow 29 Assume there s a way to access store walk car Internet bus 30 Assume shopping alone 31 Assume stores have stuff stocked 32 Assume stores are willing to sell 33 Assume stores are staffed 34 Assume paying for gift 35 Assume Holly not going with 36 Assume birthday presents need to be a surprise 37 Assume it s really her birthday 38 Assume she s not lying about her birthday 39 Assume I m not lying 40 Assume shopping isn t code lying 41 Assume words have referents that are understood between us 42 Assume addressee doesn t know Holly 43 Assume Holly doesn t know addressee personally Writing Systems Morphological symbols phonological symbols phonetic symbols Language Change and Variation Change large scale more less stable across time Variation small scale quite temporary Types of change variation Across time diachronic linguistics historical linguistics Across spaces locations dialectology Sociolinguistics gender sex age social status economic status educational status political correctness any other demographic variation sociolinguistics has swallowed dialectology Change is a fact evaluations of good bad are left to prescriptivism not always ultimately explainable lots of why questions unanswered Sociolinguistics has allowed dialectology Start with historical diachronic Regularity hypothesis change is systematic PATTERNS But don t assume this means that people are less varied than they are idiolects Any kind of language phenomenon across time Sound changes phonetic phonological changes Knight knIxt naij Canada n ij Assimilation dissimiliation deletion insertion metatheses Morphological changes Commonly lose irregulars Back formation editor edit Folk etymology analyses that look right but might be irrelevant garter snake garden snake gardener snake Acronyms NASA radar scuba Blends smog smoke fog spork Clipping examination exam Coinage Kodak made up Swiffer Conversion change of part of speech Eponyms named for people Ohm watt Fahrenheit English Vocabulary Elements Cat s dish genitive Germanic construction of the building possessive Romance Syntactic changes Semantic changes Extension meaning expanded Reduction contexts reduced Elevation status improves Degradation status declines silly happy silly ridiculous Pragmatic change cultural shifts

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OSWAGO LIN 100 - Notes

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