Nadelyn Pichardo Perkins LING 100 800 2 28 13 Morphology Study of word formation units of meaning not just words Log Greek root meaning study of organization logic word Morph Greek root meaning change o spelling remnant y suffix Words word root s suffix plural Lexicon mental dictionary Theories about the mental lexicons Words each word stored as such words worded wording word Morphemes each meaning unit stored as such word s ed ing List things on top of the list should be quick things on bottom should be slow Network related concepts are quick Embedded some concepts contain other concepts containments are quick Hierarchical large general concepts quick more specific takes longer Derivation process of creating words out of other words elements 1 2 black board blackboard word s words Stem root main meaning Can be a word by itself not always More specific less flexible Affix attachment to a root stem Prefix before a root redo re Suffix after a root doing ing Infix in a root absofuckinglutely fucking Simulfix signing a fix at the same time as the root Productive pattern we can use throughout the language to make new words iPhone Homophones sound the same main Maine mane Homonyms same name Homographs spelled written the same way let to prevent to allow Compound two or more roots stems blackboard Reduplication repetition of a root or fix bye bye Alternations sound changes for different meanings sing sang sung Suppletion form unrelated to root be was Affixing fixes attached to roots Typology Study of patterns across languages Typ root Greek o spelling leftover Log as above y suffix Free morpheme can be a word by itself bound must be attached to something else 1 Analytic strings of free morphemes isolating word plural 2 Synthetic bound morphemes attached to free to form longer words word s words a Agglutinating languages b Fussional languages between among morphemes children it s clear where morpheme boundaries are word s bound forms fuse so it might be hard to distinguish 3 Polysynthetic all morphemes are bound until we get a sentence lots of North American indigenous languages Playing Taboo in class the X symbolizes the words that the person guessed right from the hints given by the other team members Colors Green x Orange x Purple x Yellow x Ecru x Body Parts Arm x Head x Hair x Knee x Manubrial notch Marla s favorite words Floccinaucinihilipilification x Sesquipedalian x Kudu x Technical terms in linguistics Phoneme x Affix x Productive x Alveolar x Agglutinating x Metathesis x Pharynx Gesture PBS characters break up the word sound units categories personal experience immediate sensory data idiomatic expressions rhyme another sound pattern build word from sound temporal reference memory aids shared education opposites synonyms large word broken down
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