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Lauren Hedrick October 1st 2013 Crime and the Criminal Justice System Crime What is crime o Crime Act of deviance prohibited by law o Criminal Justice System Reactive agencies of the state including the police courts and prisons o Deviance Violation of norms Not all deviance is crime that criminalizes the act Types of crime o In order for an act to be a crime the state must go through a process o Violent and Property Crime Robbery murder burglary o Juvenile Crime Peak ages 13 14 property and 18 19 violent Ages 15 19 makes up 7 1 of population and 21 3 of the crime o Hate Crime Crimes of hatred and prejudice Motivated by race religion disability ethnic origin or sexual orientation o Organized Crime Large scale bureaucratic organizations that provide illegal goods and services in public demand Italian Mafia Chinese Gangs Columbian and Cuban Drug Cartel Southern White Moonshiners o White Collar and Corporate Crime Crime most commonly committed by relatively affluent persons often in the course of business activities Costs the country more money than any other types of crime Tax Fraud is the most common and costly form of white collar crime Insurance Fraud also costs the government millions of dollars per year that are paid for by tax payers o Crimes committed by government Genocide Arms Shipments Bribery and Corruption Insight trading Criminal Justice System Police o First agents of the state o 15 of time dealing with crime o Community based policing Courts Lauren Hedrick October 1st 2013 o Adversary System o 95 of criminal convictions are now by guilty plea and most of those are the result of plea bargaining Prison o Population steadily increasing o U S has highest incarceration rate in the world o Purposes of imprisonment Punishment Rehabilitation Deterrence Incapacitation

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SC SOCY 101 - Crime and the Criminal Justice System

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