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ch18 Student 1 People find that their project management responsibilities as they move up the organization s cid 10 hierarchy cid 10 A Contracts B Advances C Simplifies D Expands E Specializes A Permanent B Fluid C Temporary D Variety E Changing 2 4 A 50 B 100 C 200 D 300 E 500 cid 10 In Snapshot from practice Rod Gwinn What does Rod Gwinn say he likes about project management cid 10 A The sense of accomplishment B The opportunity to work with people C The chance to work on different products D Making clients happy with exceptional customer service E Being able to train people to be a successful Project manager 3 One aspect of project managing that is unique is the nature of assignments cid 10 cid 10 If you are considering pursuing a career in project management you should first find out what specific project job opportunities exist cid 10 A In your field B In your schools job bank C With your peers D With your customers E In your company cid 10 5 Project managers mastered the job through buttressed by occasional workshops on specific project topics such as project scheduling or negotiating contracts cid 10 A Intense schooling B On the job training C An apprentice program D Observation of another project manager E None of the above cid 10 6 PMI membership entitles members to subscriptions to the following publication s cid 10 cid 10 A Project Management Journal B Project Management Today C PM Network D A B and C are correct E A and C are correct 7 There are more than local PMI chapters across North America cid 10 cid 10 8 Many project managers careers began by for task forces and small projects cid 10 cid 10 In pursuing your ambition you should continually be on the lookout for cid 10 A New projects B A mentor C Better career opportunities D Project management workshops E New project management oriented Websites cid 10 10 Be careful to be involved in projects commensurate with your as you are starting your project A Volunteering B Applying C Working D All the above is correct E None of the above is correct 9 cid 10 management career cid 10 A Abilities B Plans C Goals D Experience E All of the above 11 People find that their project management responsibilities as they move up the organization s hierarchy cid 10 cid 10 12 One aspect of project managing that is unique is the temporary nature of cid 10 cid 10 13 If you are considering pursuing a career in project management you should first find out what specific cid 10 project job opportunities exist cid 10 14 mastered the job through on the job training buttressed by occasional workshops on specific project topics such as project scheduling or negotiating contracts cid 10 cid 10 15 Many professionals find it beneficial to join the cid 10 cid 10 16 PMI has more than local chapters across North America cid 10 cid 10 17 Many project managers careers began by volunteering for task forces and cid 10 cid 10 18 In pursuing your ambition you should continually be on the lookout for a cid 10 cid 10 19 Attending conferences trade fairs and workshops provides good opportunities to cid 10 cid 10 20 As you are starting your project management career be careful to be involved in projects commensurate with your cid 10 cid 10 21 There is no set career path for becoming a project manager cid 10 cid 10 True False hierarchy cid 10 True False cid 10 True False True False cid 10 project cid 10 True False True False True False 22 People find that their project management responsibilities contract as they move up the organization s 23 One aspect of project managing that is unique is the temporary nature of assignments cid 10 cid 10 24 Once the project is complete tenure is granted to project managers cid 10 cid 10 25 Due to the difficulty of the position project managers will not lose their position due to a unsuccessful 26 If you are considering pursuing a career in project management you should first find out what specific project job opportunities exist in your company cid 10 True False cid 10 27 Most project managers have received formal training in project management cid 10 cid 10 28 Most fast track managers acknowledge that experience played a significant role in their advancement cid 10 cid 10 29 Since much project work is temporary and contractual in nature it is important to develop professional 30 It is important to pick projects more for the quality of the people working on them than for the scope of contacts that may lead to future work cid 10 True False cid 10 the projects cid 10 True False cid 10 31 Describe the PMI certification eligibility requirements for the CAPM cid 10 cid 10 32 Explain the PMI certification eligibility requirements for the PMP cid 10 cid 10 33 Who are mentors and why are they important cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 34 What are formal mentoring programs cid 10 cid 10 35 What should be your goal be as a project manager cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 cid 10 ch18 Key cid 10 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 E 5 B 6 E 7 D 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 expand 12 assignments 13 in your company 14 Project managers 15 Project Management Institute PMI 16 300 17 small projects 18 mentor 19 network 20 abilities 21 TRUE 22 FALSE 23 TRUE 24 FALSE 25 FALSE 26 TRUE 27 FALSE 28 FALSE 29 TRUE 30 TRUE 31 Eligibility Requirements High school diploma global equivalent AND 1 500 hours experience OR 23 hours pm education 32 Eligibility Requirements High school diploma global equivalent 5 years project management experience 35 hours project management education OR Bachelor s degree global equivalent 3 years project management experience 35 hours project management education 33 Mentors are typically superiors who take a special interest in you and your career They use their clout to champion your ambitions and act as a personal coach teaching you the ropes to skip and the ropes to know This special treatment does not come without a price Mentors typically require fervent loyalty and superior performance after all the mentor s reputation rests on your performance 34 Many organizations have instituted formal mentoring programs in which experienced project managers are assigned to promising young managers Although the relationship may not evolve to the personal level experienced with an informal mentor designated mentors play a very similar role in coaching and championing one s professional progress 35 Ultimately your goal is to accumulate a portfolio of project management experiences that broaden your

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