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o Suggests that contiguity is the basis for learning but it is important neurologically not between the physical aspects o Dominant theory all the way through the 1960s AUTOMATIC Inflexible Cognitively inexpensive happens naturally without much thought Lecture notes 2 12 14 2 19 14 Pavlov Hull o S R stimulus response o Habit o Reflex o Passive responding o Law of Effect Tolman o S S stimulus stimulus o Choice o Expectancies o Predictions o Relations o Cognition CONTROLLED The animal is in charge Choice to choose whether or not to respond Representations forming expectations Cognitively expensive requires in depth thought Has to think about everything they do Novice driver focuses strictly on driving no music cellphone use etc 1 Us devaluation behavioral contrast 2 Latent Learning 3 Transfer concepts 4 Facilitated Reacquisition 5 Sensory Precondition Novice Expert 1960s Automatic Expert can multitask 1 Belongingness Cue to consequence o Garcia and Koelling 1965 2 Latent Inhibition o Lubow 1965 If you have eaten oysters dozens of times and one day get sick you won t think it was the oysters because you ve eaten them been fine many times before If you ve never eaten oysters before and get sick after eating them for the first time you will likely never eat them again You will assume the oysters made you sick 3 Serial Overshadowing 4 o Egger and Miller 1961 Intensity Overshadowing o Kamin 1966 5 Blocking o Kamin 6 Contingency o Rescorla 1961 Prior knowledge blocks knowledge of other things

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Rutgers PSYCHOLOGY 311 - Lecture notes

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