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Chapter 1 contd Five Analytical Themes of Economic Geography 1 Study of space is inseparable from study of time Accumulation of decisions of actors from the past Geographies constructed historically histories unfold spatially Geography is a process 2 Every place is part of a system of places Places never exist in isolation Example If you buy land inside the loop in Houston it is more expensive because it has accessibility to the city center and there is more demand In Hearne the land will not be as expensive because not as many things are accessible Everything is relative 3 Human action always occurs in a biophysical environment nature Includes climate topography soils 4 Culture the shape of consciousness is fundamental to Economic Geography Socialization of people and reproduction of society and place 5 Social relations are a necessary starting point to understanding societies and geographies distribution Studied through lens of political economy focus on role of uneven Theoretical Approaches of Economic Geography Location Theory Logical positivism emphasizes scientific method to analyze economic landscapes lower class area Middle class area Spatial integration linking of points transport networks Models to understand economic and demographic phenomena Homo economicus people strive to maximize utility or happiness When looking for a gas station people will find the most efficient way to do it Critiques Silent about historic context frozen in time silent about class gender power conflict

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TAMU GEOG 304 - Chapter 1 contd

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