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LOPE 6 Genes and Genetics Exam 2 Study Guide Know the two different definitions of a gene Know the types of over the counter genetics available 23andMe paternity testing and what they test for Know what BRCA1 and Myriad Genetics are and how they relate to the Supreme Court case Association for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics Be able to define hereditary material nucleotide genetic sequence Know the shape and structure of DNA double helix shape long chain chromosome polymer of nucleotides Know the 4 different kinds of DNA bases A G T C and how the order of these bases stores information Know that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes 22 1 sex chromosome and that a child inherits one set from each parent Be able to define protein amino acid enzyme binding protein structural protein For each of the three types of protein we discussed be able to give an example for each and decribe the job that protein performs Ex lactase is an enzyme protein that performs chemical reactions that breaks down catabolizes lactose sugar LOPE 7 From Genes to Traits Be able to define and know the difference between a trait and a characteristic Be able to define gene expression transcription translation ribosome Know the two types of sequences contained within genes and what each codon genetic code does Know why cells don t make all of their proteins all the time Know the genetic basis of sickle cell disease and how that genetic change alters the way hemoglobin functions Understand why genes for sickle hemoglobin still exist even though they cause a fatal disease be able to define the term sickle trait Be able to define lactose intolerance and lactase persistence know which kind of gene sequence is altered in the lactase gene in people with lactase persistence Be able to explain why the lactase persistence trait is most common in people of European and Middle Eastern descent LOPE 8 Genes Traits and Environment Be able to define complex trait polygenic Give some examples of internal and external environmental factors that can affect gene expression Be able to define OCA2 HERC2 and melanin as they pertain to eye color Be able to explain how differences in expression of OCA2 and HERC2 and the scattering of light result in brown blue green and hazel eye colors Be able to give an example of and explain how an environmental factor directly alters traits by changing the way genes are expressed hint sun tanning Be able to explain how sex male female is determined in reptiles like turtles know what the enzyme aromatase does and how the environment i e temperature affects its ability to do its job Know how Rainbow and Cc are related to each other how they are different and how this shows that the environment of the womb affects the way genes are expressed in mammals Know what coronary artery disease is be able to define the term multifactorial trait and explain why coronary artery disease is a multifactorial trait LOPE 9 Technology and Ethics in GATTACA Know the difference between Vincent and Anton in how they were conceived and how their genes were determined random vs embryo selection Be able to define embryo selection in vitro fertilization pre implantation genetic diagnosis monogenic disease Be able to explain briefly how in vitro fertilization and pre implantation genetic diagnosis work Know some of the reasons for which embryos are selected e g elimination of monogenic disease and chromosome abnormalities transplant tissue matching gender selection and dysgenics LOPE 10 Practical Genetics Be able to define DNA fingerprinting biometrics DNA forensics paternity Know the three steps of DNA forensics finding a sample generating a profile testing matching to a suspect an STR is fingerprint Know some of the common sources of DNA for profiling Know the FBI standard method for DNA profiling and be able to define what Be able to explain how counting STRs allows us to create a unique genetic Know the similarities and differences between DNA profiling for forensics Be able to define recombinant DNA technology and plasmid and what they Know some of the uses of genetically modified bacteria e g making insulin and profiling for paternity testing are used for in genetic engineering and chymosin for human use Be able to define selective breeding Know how genetic engineering saved Hawaiian papaya from destruction by Know what BT toxin is and how genetically engineered BT corn protects itelf ringspot virus from destruction by insects

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