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The king is associated with the Labyrinth and the minotaur The Mycenaeans are located on the Peloponnese Peninsula and central Greece Protopalatial and Neopalatial periods 4000 years ago Aegean Cultures centered around the Aegean Sea The Minoan People King Minos of Crete Islands of Cyclades Asia Minor Setting and Chronology Minoans Island of Crete High mountain peaks Small open plains Complex social institutions Earlier than Mycenaeans 500 years Setting and Chronology Mycenaeans Peloponnese Peninsula south Central Greece North High mountain peaks small open plains Late Minoan period 3 500 ya Complex social institutions State Comparisons Assumed opposite Minoans peaceful Mycenaeans aggressive Minoans had few defensive features Mycenaean have large fortifications Ex Lion Gates Political Units Colin Renfrew 1980s Early State Module ESM autonomous units Peer polity interaction relationships between ESMs Develop complexity through interaction Palace Core for both states Administrative center Minoan the palace had really elaborate construction Central Court Bull games feasting dancing Mycenaean Megaron banquet hall Minoan Absence of large elaborate tombs Mycenaean Elaborate funerary ritual Burials Writing Minoan Linear A and Cretan hieroglyphics Not deciphered Mycenaean Linear B form of Greek Rulers and Written Language Mycenaean texts outline wanax control Harvest livestock Controlled by taxes and the Palace owned some land Match archaeological data Texts outline special use Palaces workshops Peripheral Connections Palace controlled production Peripheral agricultural land Provisioned Goods Violence and Warfare Some military conflict Ritualized contests Boxing Bull leaping Skilled fighters Santorini Eruption Island of Santorini Thera Volcanic eruption 3 600ya Tsunami hit Crete Ash found on inland 100 years later Mycenaean influence Possibly cause by eruption Loss of faith in leaders Destroyed Crete s navy

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OSU ANTHROP 2201 - Aegean

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