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9 10 Lecture Notes Dark Age Greek society before the Dark Age o Minoan civilization on Island of Crete 2600 1100 BC o Sir Arthur Evans Knossos Palace was center of civilization Priests leaders o Thucydides wrote of Fall of Greece Minos founded empire Thalasocracy 1580 1480 ruling over the sea Strong navy o Empire Colonies of Melos and Rhodes Didn t have walls no battles o Naval warfare o Carpentry of ships horses o Active in trade King did not have absolute power Loosely organized o Organization Writing linear A Undecipherable Cosmopolitan culture city centered Advances in plumbing and art Religion Practiced human sacrifice Minotaur myth o Mino leader Minos o Taur bull o Minotaur held in labyrinth Fed civilians and children o Theseus from Athens hero Kills minotaur o Story of the kind of leader Minos was 1550 Greek invasion of Crete 1400 tremendous destruction Earthquake Thera Santorini Atlantis like myth Mycenaeans o o Social structure Indoeuropean Greeks in Greece 2300 BC War like people used horses patriarchal men small petty kings No absolute power Linear B writing We can decipher mainland Europe language Dark Age begins o Population reduction of 50 90 collapse o Egypt 1200 BC invasion of Delta o 1193 Ramses III land of the Sea People Dorians Egypt collapse Peleset philistines Iron tools weapons o o Hebrews o David Goliath Tjekko Sheklesh Denyen o Hittites attack of Ahhiyawa Achaians of Troy Wilusa Illium Illiad Troy Destroyed Troy 1190 o Explanations 1 Internal problems and external threats 2 Human versus non human causes 3 Indirect causes systems collapse After Dark Age o State formations Assyria 689 648 sack of Babylon Conquer small territories at a time o Syria Palestine No absolute monarchy great nationalism Assurbanipal 669 627 ruler conqueror of Egypt Primogeniture oldest male heir Chaldaeans Destroy cities of Assur and Niniveh 587 Babylonian exile Destroyed Jerusalem by King Nebuchadrezzar 605 564 Lydia Media Invention of coinage Croesus Capital Ecbatana Lydia Media fuse to form Persia Greek society in the Archaic Period 750 400 BC Recovery between 950 750 BC o Homer ca 750 Illiad Troy and Odyssey Trojan War First stories coming out of the Dark Age o Hesiod ca 700 writers of time period Return to specialization o Polis City state Specializations Close community and individualized Chora surrounding countryside farming wealth Changes o Basileus ruler oikos household kleros clerks o Hoplite reform peasant soldiers o Phalanx soldier ranks Want a voice in the city state government Warfare on foot o Magna Graecia group of Greek cities along the coast of Italy Kore sculpture of maiden 600 500 BC Migration as far as the Atlantic to Italy Rome Sicily 9 12 Class Notes Greek adjustment to the Dark Age Corinth o City state on a mountain o Kypselos of Corinth 657 625 BC Tyranny beneficial steps in during power misuse by oligarchy Reforms establishes rules fairness o Developed economically to return to prosperity Trading and pottery Collapse due to overpopulation Sparta o Militaristic Lifelong soldiers o Peloponnose Peloponnesia worst location of Dark Age peninsula o Lycurgan regimen new system of state Citizens given equal political rights o Laconia Silent People very mysterious to other Greeks Didn t trust outsiders close knit community Spartan sparce scarce o Conquered the Mycenaean Helots slaves Wars were common Linear B deciphered Perioikoi countsmen 2 kings 5 ephors internal governors Gerousia assembly citizens Gerousia Counsel of elders that had military background Rhetra Law of Delphi oracle defines powers of government Public lashing in order to become citizens only men o Minoans King of Crete Minos Peaceful and wealthy society King and his nobles Goddesses Gods Religious frescoes and figurines Disrupted by earthquakes eruptions and tsunamis Athens o Best off city state in the area of the Dark Age o Collapsed into regionalism o Against oligarchies o Late 8th century Archon leader Polemarch leader of war Areopagus council that advised archon polemarch Assembly citizens similar to Sparta o Tyranny Kylon leader almost developed civil war Draco law code Solon archon developed fair laws called Eunomia Shaking of burdens 594 BC Solonic fair wise Tried to fix trouble caused my oligarchy o Pisistratus tyrant 546 528 BC Son Hippias 528 510 BC advocate for lower class involvement in gov t Aristocracy exiled him w help of Spartans Civil War Cleisthenes 508 BC democracy o Attica demes villages and tribes larger voting units o Equal representations of regions o Boule 500 members of tribe serve for 1 year where voting takes place have elections Democracy o Ecclesia assembly of all citizens final vote final word o Ostracism exile of people that misuse power

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