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In your own words describe the Fourteenth Amendment What is the applicability of The Bill of Rights to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment Give an example of how the Fourteenth Amendment is or can be violated Do you personally know anyone you feel was violated his or her Fourteenth Amendment rights If I understand the Fourteenth Amendment right it was an amendment that gave citizenship to freed slaves It was meant to make them be seen as equal citizens under the constitution which was a landmark decision to be made at the time because back then they were not seen as actual people but more along the lines of property The Fourteenth Amendment was passed into legislation to give the freed slaves rights and to ensure that they were not deprived of those rights What is the applicability of the Bill of Rights to the states via the Fourteenth Amendment For the first time in American history the statement All men are created equal was actually accurate What this did was verify how the United States was to become the global power that it eventually became because we were able to pass laws that stopped separating our citizens and bring us together as Americans An example of how the 14th Amendment can be violated and I m not sure if this would apply here or not would be the prisoners who are being held at Guantanamo Bay These men and women are being held without having going through any type of due process and are not being treated the way we as Americans have designed our criminal system to work This place is more along the lines of a prisoner of war camp and these people are being robbed of the rights that make us Americans that we have worked so hard to define Criminals should be treated as criminals and there is a process for that The 14th amendment addresses the citizenship equal protection and due process clause The citizenship clause was brought to pass to ensure the citizenship of African Americans The equal protection clause ensures that the citizens of the U S receive equal protection demonstrating that one race or group of people is not valued or protected than any other person The equal protection clause also eliminated segregation in the U S predominantly in the Southern states post Civil War Due process is a series of steps that must be taken by the justice system to ensure fairness to all and not depriving anyone of life liberty or property without just cause If due process is violated the accused person will be acquitted due to a violation of his Civil Rights I do not know anyone personally who have had his or her Civil Rights violated I do know some people who claim their Civil Rights were violated but it was not proven in a court of law and I personally think they were being very dramatic I think that our justice system performs as effectively as possible and very conscious not to violate the rights of others

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