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Week 5 L T Discussion Summaries BSHS 471 How might communities in the future become involved in the formation of prevention strategies in crisis intervention Zoila agrees that ccommunities in the future may become involved in the formation of prevention strategies by using awareness first response units and communicating with the general public as well as educating them on how to respond to a situation Becky also adds the best way communities in the future can become involved is to communicate with others and providing information to help with prevention strategies By having meetings with the community and professionals offering tools that can help everyone become more aware of the strategies needed in crisis interventions Gathering more volunteers to help offer services that are needed Charletta adds In the future communities might become involved in the formation of prevention strategies in crisis interventions by reaching out to others in the area When situations are brought to people s attention they try to get involved no matter if the situation is good or bad therefore if communities are out in the communities speaking about any crisis intervention people will become aware and involved in the circumstances to format solutions Tanya also agrees in the future communities may become involved in the formation of prevention strategies within crisis intervention by being the first line of help If individuals within communities churches political groups etc are close they may be able to detect when someone needs the program organization s help There are many ways for individuals within a community to watch one another s back from talking listening to someone to buying him or her meal if needed or helping a person get connected to a service he or she needs Brittany believes communities will become further involved in the formation of strategies for prevention of crisis when the groups can become stronger In the future the recessing economy is going to cause the closer of a lot of groups and cause community groups such as churches and schools to help The level of help coming from the community can be a lot stronger than those governmentally funded because the focus comes from a smaller group of people In Eunice s opinion communities in the future will become involved in the formation of prevention strategies in crisis intervention through continuous education and resources available for those who are in crisis If people come into crisis he or she would want to know that someone will be on his or her side to help whether it being shelter food medical counseling and etc Timing is everything and having the resource available to be able for the program organization ready to help

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Week 5 L/T Discussion Summaries

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