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Where and how can skills be developed to help in the formation of a successful human services worker I believe in order to be a successful human service worker the skills in being successful are developed through education and experience While working towards being an educated human services worker as a student one must be willing to engage in all lectures that are associated with human services One must also begin to volunteer in specialized agencies such as foster care domestic violence shelters drug addiction centers etc I believe that having an education and getting good grades in courses does not guarantee that one will be successful in the human services field But I do believe that experience such as working as a volunteer or even school completion hours gives any person the hands on experience one needs in order to grow as a professional I also believe as a human services worker one must treat all clients the same without biases and judgments It is also important to build rapport with clients so they feel comfortable enough to ask for help or address any issues they need to work on Ethically and professionally one must understand the boundaries between professional and unprofessional even understanding that clients may become dependent or may want to take the fiduciary relationship in a more professional level Response 2 Skills can be developed to help in the information of a successful human services worker by many different ways Some of these ways can be determine by the type of work the human services worker does Skills can be developed by going to training for human services A person can become an intern at a Human services agency or they can volunteer A person may want to access a human services website and read up on the information that includes information about the services that human services offer and the many different departments of human services a person can work in Skills can also be developed by gaining experiences and dealing with situations

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Assignment

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