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Chapter Eighteen Advertising Public Relations and Sales Promotions Beginning Case Study More companies going after campaigns that work well in attempt to make even No problem with awareness and advertising campaign was widely considered to be o Change to focusing on one couple who talks in depth about love story and more successful great success connection o Same general target market people looking for love Dove made splash with Real Women campaign and changed everything by appealing to men Advertising paid form of communication delivered through media from identifiable source about organization product service or idea designed to persuade receiver to take some action o Not free carried by some medium source of message must be known persuasive forma of communication to get consumer to take action Step One Identify Target Audience Success of advertising program depends on how well advertiser can identify target audience o May or may not be same as current users of product o May be directed at portions of audiences who haven t been traditional part of marketers target market but who have say in purchase process Step Two Set Advertising Objectives Objective derived from overall objectives of marketing program and clarify specific goals that ads are designed to accomplish Advertising plan subsection of firms overall marketing plan explicitly analyzes marketing and advertising situation identifies objectives of advertising campaign clarifies specific strategy for accomplishing objectives indicates how firm can determine whether campaign successful o Pull strategy goal is to get consumers to pull product into supply chain by o Push strategy increase demand by focusing on wholesales retailers or demanding it salespeople Motivate seller to highlight product rather than products of competitors and push product to consumers INFORM PERSUADE REMIND customers Informative advertising communication used to create and build brand awareness with ultimate goal of moving consumer through buying cycle to purchase o Tell customers about an upcoming sales event or arrival of new merchandise Persuasive Advertising communication used to motivate consumers to take action o Early maturity stages competition is most intense o Reposition an established brand by persuading consumers to change existing perceptions of advertising product Reminder advertising communication used to remind prompt repurchases especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in maturity stage of life cycle Focus Advertisements ad campaigns objectives determine specific ads focus o Product focus advertisements inform persuade or remind consumers about specific product o Institutional advertisements inform persuade remind consumers about issues related to places politics or industry Public service advertising sponsored by nonprofit institutions civic groups religious organizations trade associations or political groups Focus on betterment of society o Social marketing application of marketing principles to social issue to bring about attitudinal behavioral change among general public or specific population segment Step Three Determine the Advertising Budget Consider role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet overall promotional objectives Expenditures vary over course of product life cycle Nature of market and product influence size of advertising budgets determines amount of money spent on advertising Step Four Convey the Message Marketers determine what want to convey about product or service o Key message what appeal would most effectively convey message considered simultaneously The Message provides target audience with reasons to respond in desired way o Message communicate problem solving ability clearly and in compelling fashion o Differentiates products by establishing unique benefits o Unique selling proposition USP common theme or slogan in an advertising campaign Good USP communicates unique attributes of product and becomes snapshot of campaign o Unique to brand but meaningful to customer The Appeal logos logical ethos ethical pathos emotional o Informational appeal help consumers make purchase decisions by offering factual info that encourages consumers to evaluate brand favorably on basis of key benefits Informs consumers of potential source of competitive advantage so directly delivers informal persuasive message o Emotional appeals satisfy consumers emotional desires rather than needs Focus on feelings about self and create bond between consumer and Step Five Evaluate and Select Media brand Media planning process of evaluating and selecting media mix that will deliver clear consistent compelling message to intended audience o Media mix combination of media used and frequency of advertising in each medium most expensive Media buy actual purchase of airtime or print pages o Largest expense in advertising budget must make decisions carefully TV Mass media channels include national newspapers magazines radio and TV are ideal for reaching large numbers of anonymous audience members Niche media channels most focused and generally used to reach narrower segments with unique demographic characteristics or interests Choosing right medium each alternative has specific characteristics making it suitable for meeting specific objectives o Communication media vary in ability to reach desired audiences o Varies in their reach and frequency total GRP reach X frequency Medium Television Radio Magazines Newspapers Internet Outdoors Direct mail Advantages Wide reach incorporates sound and video Inexpensive selectively targeted wide reach Very targeted subscribers pass along to others Flexible timely localized Linked to detailed content highly flexible and interactive specific target Inexpensive opportunities for repeat exposure east to change Highly targeted allows for personalization Disadvantages High cost many channel and program options increase awareness of competitors product No video limits presentation consumers give less focused attention exposure periods short Relatively inflexible takes time to be available Expensive in some markets have short life span Becoming cluttered ad may be blocked by computer software Not easily targeted placement problems exposure time short Expensive considered junk mail by most Determining advertising schedule specifies timing and duration of advertising o Continuous schedule runs steadily throughout year and suited to products consumed continually at steady rates

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OSU BUSML 3250 - Chapter Eighteen

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