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Chapter 18 Advertising paid non personal communication Public relations non personal communication not paid for by an identified sponsor Advertising is paid for publicity is prayed for The Scope and Importance of Advertising US leading advertisements tv direct mail and newspapers Global tv newspapers magazines Advertising as a of sales is low Most important for standardized products aimed at large markets Effectiveness often rises with long term campaigns Spend less than 5 or sales on ads The Characteristics of Advertising Positives o Reaches large populations o Broad range of media available o Control message content o Standardized o Inflexible o High total expenditures o Some viewers may be considered waste Ads ease the way for personal selling by creating audience awareness and likng for brands Negatives Developing and Advertising Plan Setting Objectives can be divided into demand and image types with image oriented ads being a part of a public relations effort o Demand information persuasion reminding generate revenues o Image industry company Assigning Responsibility o May use internal in house ad agency o Ad agency an organization that provides a variety of advertising related service to client firms Establishing a Budget o Global perspective Allow personnel in each pan geographic region to determine their needs Let each individual market have its own advertising strategy HQ controls all Developing themes o Ad themes the overall appeals for its campaign Consumer how a product benefits consumer Good service product attributes Institutional firms image Selecting Media o Costs total and per person o Reach the number of viewers readers or listeners in a mediums audience Print circulation and passalong rate o Waste par of a medium s audience not in a firm s target market o Message permanence the number of exposures one ad generates and how long it remains available to the audience o Persuasive impact the ability of a medium to stimulate consumers o Narrowcasting advertising message presented to rather limited and well defined audiences Reduces audience waste with mass media Big marketers not mass marketers o Frequency how often a medium can be used o Clutter number of ads found in a single program o Lead time the period required by a medium for placing an ad Shortest for newspaper and longest for magazines Creating Advertisements o 1 Determine message content and devise ads o Outline a promotion schedule o Specify each ad s location in a broadcast program or print medium o Choose how many variations of a basic message to use Timing Advertisements o How often is the ad shown o When to advertise during the year o Distributed brand recognition and increase sales in non peak periods o Massed used in peak times to foster short run interest Considering cooperative efforts tow or more firms share some advertising costs o Vertical firms at different stages in a distribution channel share costs o Horizontal same stage Evaluating success failure o How well did you reach promotional goal o Success failure vary differently The scope of public relations Encompasses image directed ads selling and sales promotion as well as publicity Image public relations Demand advertising The characteristics of public relations Benefits no costs for message time or space with publicity publicity reaches a mass audience believe ability is higher cuz its from an independent source people pay more attention to news than ads Negatives question value less control Setting objectives IMAGE ORIENTED Developing a Public Relations Plan Assigning Responsibility in house has more control firm has more expertise and contacts Outlining the Types of Public Relations to Be Used o News publicity planned releases o Business feature articles detailed stories o Service feature articles lighter stories o Finance releases o Product releases o Sponsorship releases o Pictorial releases o Video news releases o Background editorial material extra info o Crisis publicity Selecting the Media for Public Relations Efforts o Institutional ads personal selling and sales promotion traditional non personal personal media used o Publicity newspapers tv mags radio internet publications Creating Messages Timing messages Evaluating success o Surveys o Amount of stories o Quality of media coverage o Track internet stories

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OSU BUSML 3250 - Chapter 18

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