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Topics Health Promotion 101 Intro to Women s Health Social Determinants of Health Health Care Reform Paying for health Care in the US Paying for Health Care Around the World Health of Women Around the World Mental Health Substance Abuse Prevention A History of Women s Health a First women s rights convention held 1848 b First training schools for nurses opened 1873 c First birth control clinic was established in 1916 Margaret Sanger d Women gain the right to vote 1920 19th amendment e The number of women employed in the US increased 50 during the f Kinsey report on human sexuality was published in 1953 women s 1940s sex drive g FDA approves the birth control pill 1960 h Our Bodies Ourselves published 1970 i Roe vs Wade 1973 made abortion legal in the first trimester j Global Gag Rule implemented in 1984 restricted findings to other countries to receive abortions k NIH revitalization Act required that women and minorities be included as research subjects in 1993 l Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 Obama Care B Health Education a Efforts to improve people s knowledge and awareness about health b Can focus on teaching individuals communities or populations c Can cover any health related topic C Health Promotion a Focuses on getting people to change their behavior b c Deals with lifestyle and chronic disease factors Includes health education and policies D Prevention a Primary prevention Prevention of disease or injury by reducing exposure to a risk factor that may lead to disease or injury b Secondary prevention Early detection and prompt treatment of disease c Tertiary prevention Takes place once a disease has advanced involves alleviating pain providing comfort halting progression of an illness and limiting disability that may result from a disease E Prevalence a Total number of people affected by a given condition at a point in time b Prevalence number of existing cases of a disease at a given point in or during a period of time time total population at risk F Incidence a New cases of a condition that occur during a specified period of time b Incidence Number of new cases of a disease during a given period of time total population at risk G What determines health outcomes a SOCIAL SOCIETAL characteristics most b Genes and biology c Health behavior d Medical care H Health of Women around the world a What are the major behavioral and environmental risk factors that contribute to death and disease worldwide Indoor smoke from solid fuels Iron deficiency i Alcohol consumption ii High blood pressure iii High cholesterol iv v vi Obesity vii Tobacco consumption viii Underweight ix Unsafe sex x Unsafe water sanitation hygiene I Social determinants of Health a The conditions in which people are born grow live work and age including the health system These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money power and resources at global national and local levels i World Health Organization b Social gradient c Stress d Early life e Social exclusion f Work g Unemployment h Social support i Addiction j Food k Transport J Understanding the natural stress response Fight or flight reaction a b When you encounter perceived threats your body releases a surge of hormones including i Adrenaline 1 ii Cortisol Increases heart rate elevates your blood pressure and boosts energy supplies 1 Increases sugars in the bloodstream enhances your brain s use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues 2 Curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight or flight situation a Immune system responses suppresses the digestive system the reproductive system and growth processes c Health Wealth d Whitehall study 1970s i Large study of British civil servants ii Conventional wisdom in the 1970s was that business executives had high rates of heart attacks they found the opposite iii Non Hispanic black is greatest infant mortality than overall then Hispanic then non Hispanic white e Social exclusion i Absolute poverty vs relative poverty ii Results from 1 Racism discrimination stigmatization hostility and unemployment iii Prevent people from participating in society are psychologically damaging costly and harmful to health f Is gender a social determinant of health K Paying for health care in the united states a Health Care Providers Employee Patients Insurance Companies i Risk pooling a bulk of people get health insurance plan b If an employer wants to give their employee a raise i Worker who pays federal and state income taxes at a combined rate of 30 will receive 7000 for every 10 000 his employer provides in gross salary ii But the same employee will receive 10 000 in benefits for every 10 0000 his employer spends on health insurance a 43 improvement c Health insurance coverage of non elderly Americans Individual insurance 6 8 i Employer sponsored health insurance own 31 9 ii Employer sponsored health insurance dependent 30 3 iii iv Medicare 2 5 v Medicaid 13 4 vi TRICOR 2 7 vii Uninsured 17 9 d Definitions to know i Premium monthly payment to health insurance company for employer sponsored health insurance this cost is split between employer and employee ii Benefits covered services by health insurance companies iii Co insurance set percentage that patient must pay as pay of their health costs usually 10 20 iv Co payments fixed amount of money patient is required to pay to receive health care service office visits prescriptions etc v Deductible amount that a person must pay out of pocket before health benefit kicks in vi Benefit cap limit to the amount of money a health insurance company will pay vii Network defined group or providers that health insurance company will allow patients to see if patients see an out of network provider cots go up significantly viii Referral authorization from primary care physician to seek specialist care e Types of insurance i Private insurance 1 Employer sponsored a HMO b PPO c HDHP 2 Individual coverage ii Public insurance 1 Medicare Medicaid TRICOR f HMO i HMO health maintenance Organization ii Managed care plan iii Patients pay the same premium every month iv Co payments and deductibles low v Primary care physical as gatekeeper vi Need referrals for specialist care vii Usually cheapest option for employer sponsored health insurance viii Out of network care is much more expensive g HDHP i High deductible health plan ii Usually paired with a health saving account iii High deductible iv Gives patients flexibility and

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UMD HLTH 471 - History of Women’s Health

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