Respiration Vocab Affinity a attracting relationship between two things Alveolar pressure the pressure in cm of water pressure with in the alveoli of the lungs during inspiration Apneustic area area on lower pons that promotes inspiration by nerves to medulla oblongata Bohr effect law explaining hemoglobin s binding affinity to oxygen is inversely related to acidity and carbon dioxide concentration Boyle s law absolute pressure and volume of a confined gas are inversely proportional Chloride shift exchange of bicarbonate and chloride across the membrane of red blood cells Compliance change in lung volume with applied pressure Dalton s law total pressure of a sum of gases is the individual pressure added together Decompression sickness dissolved gases coming out of solution into the body on depressuration Exhalation flow of the respiratory current out of an organism Expiratory area region of the medulla responsible for expiration External respiration the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environment and respiratory organs Glottis the vocal folds and space between them Henry s Law at constant temperature the gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the liquid Hering Breuer reflex reflex triggered with over stretching of the lungs causing exhalation Inhalation the flow of the respiratory current into an organism from the external Inspiratory area area in the medulla responsible for inspiration Internal respiration living cells absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide Intrapleural pressure pressure within the pleural cavity Nitrogen narcosis alteration in consciousness when diving in depth Pleural effusion buildup of fluid between the layers of tissue that line lungs and chest cavity Pleurisy inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest that leads to chest pain when you breathe Pneumotaxic area upper pons that enhances expiration Pulmonary ventilation breathing Tidal volume the normal volume of air displaced between normal inspiration and expiration Respiration Vocab Ventilation perfusion coupling coupling between amount of gas reaching alveoli and blood flow in pulmonary capillaries
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