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EXAM 2 NOTES FOOD SECURITY Body Mass Index BMI A measure of an adults weight in relation to his or her height Obesity BMI of 30 or higher Doesn t include fat vs muscle or body size Doesn t tell overall health Health at Every Size Accepting and respecting the diversity of body shapes and sizes Recognizing that health and well being are multi dimensional and they include physical social spiritual etc Promoting all aspects of health and well being for people of all sizes Promoting eating in a manner which balances individual nutritional needs hunger safety appetite and pleasure Promoting individually appropriate enjoyable life enhancing physical activity rather than exercise that is focused on a goal of weight loss Healthy Eating Index Components of Food Security Measure of overall diet quality rather than just individual nutrients that contribute to health Food availability means that there is sufficient food produced domestically or imported Food access the ability of people to purchase or otherwise obtain food to meet their nutritional needs Utilization proper food preparation nutrition and hygiene practices About Maryland Hunger Solutions Founded by the Food Research and Action Center in 2007 to Maximize participation in all federal nutrition programs through a combination of removal of obstacles to participation close work with social service agencies and outreach Educate the public and key stakeholders both to the stark reality of hunger s existence in Maryland and to solutions that are already at hand Improve public policies to end hunger reduce poverty and promote nutrition Food security is defined as having access to enough food for an active healthy life Food insecurity refers to the lack of access to enough food to fully meet basic needs at all times due to lack of financial resources Hunger is the uneasy or painful sensation caused by a lack of food and a potential consequence of food insecurity Food Security Maryland Stats 12 5 percent of Maryland households are considered to be food insecure 5 6 percent were living in households that were considered to have very low food security Food Security Lifelong health and economic effects Domino effect of negative consequences Low birth weight Obesity Mental health issues Dental health problems Poor education outcomes Long term economic costs Food Security Causes Food Security and Obesity Factors Limited resources Lack of access to healthy affordable foods Fewer opportunities for physical activity Cycles of food deprivation and overeating High levels of stress Greater exposure to obesity related marketing Limited access to health care Federal Nutrition Programs School Meals o School Breakfast o School Lunch Out of School Meals and Snacks o Summer Meals o Afterschool Snacks o CACFP Costs of living Local variation in household income and employment Resource allocation children and disabled family members Availability and utilization of food assistance programs and other safety nets WIC Food Stamps Food Supplement Program FSP Different names for the program o National Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP o Maryland Food Supplement Program Provides a basic safety net to Monthly benefits provided to low income families through the EBT system are used to purchase food items How Maryland Hunger Solutions Helps Public Education and Policy Food Stamp Challenge October 2012 Nearly 200 signed up including o Ted Dallas Secretary of the Maryland Department of Human Resources o Leaders in government faith based non profit and academic institutions o You Reflections will be compiled as a legislative tool to advocate for safety net programs How Maryland Hunger Solutions Helps Information and Toolkits Guide to Getting Food Stamps in Maryland County Sheets summarizing program participation updated monthly Annual reports analyzing school breakfast and summer meals participation Monthly electronic newsletters How Maryland Hunger Solutions Helps Food Stamp Outreach at VITA Sites VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance o Free income tax preparation for families earning less than 50 000 a year FSP volunteers assist clients with application online or paper o Maryland SAIL website Highly effective anti poverty programs go together well o EITC Earned Income Tax Credit o FSP Food Supplement Program External Genitalia Vulva Labia Clitoris Vaginal Opening Urethral Opening Hymen Vestibular bulbs Internal Genitalia Vagina Cervix Uterus Fallopian Tubes Ovaries How big is it 1 Size of ovary Almond 2 Width of the opening of cervix straw 3 Range of length of vagina Postit to Postcard 4 Size of uterus Pear External Sex Organs Labia Majora large folds that run downwards on the outside of the vulva Labia Minora when sexually aroused engorge with blood become swollen and darker huge variation in size shape symmetry and color also very sensitive to touch hairless lips that sit inside the labia majora surround the urethral and vaginal opening Clitoris Urethral Opening only sex organ whose only known function is to create pleasure clitoral hood covers the exposed part of the shaft and most of the glands very sensitive to touch connected to the bladder via the urethra located above vaginal opening and below the clitoris urinary tract infections prone to bacterial infections due to proximity to vagina and anus Vaginal Opening The Hymen and Virginity hymen fold of tissue that surrounds or partially covers the vaginal opening o hymens vary widely perineum skin and underlying tissues between vaginal opening and anus in many cultures intact hymen is considered evidence of virginity may be incomplete in some girls may tear during exercise during sexual exploration during insertion of a tampon often remain intact even after first instance of intercourse it is not possible to confirm that a woman is a virgin by examining her hymen Underlying Structures vestibular bulbs erectile tissue extending down sides of vaginal opening o engorge with blood during sexual arousal swelling the vulva and lengthening the vagina o swelling contributes to physiological sexual pleasure for both partners Internal Sex Organs Vagina typically 3 5 inches deep at rest expands in length and width during sex and childbirth lubrication forms on its surface during sexual arousal as the tissue of vaginal wall become engorged with blood few nerve endings internal 2 3 insensitive to touch sensitive to pressure but not touch self cleaning no need to douche or use deodorants discharge healthy at pH of

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