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o horizontal vertical intergenerational intragenerational structural exchange Sociology Final Test 3 Review Chapter 8 stratification and social mobility in the united states social mobility definition types of social mobility social class and life chances opportunities poverty o absolute and relative feminization of poverty PRWORA o personal responsibility and work opportunity act o welfare reform 1996 5 year lifetime limit for welfare payments profile of people on welfare Chapter 9 Wallerstein o o o o periphery modernization theory the world systems theory part of a more general dependency theory core nations semi periphery o less developed societies move gradually toward more developed societies o world wide integration of governmental policies cultures and financial colonialism and neocolonialism globalization markets multinational corporations functionalist and conflict view o Brazil Mexico o distribution of wealth and income o rich country poor country indigents o o the color hierarchy criollos mestizo mexican indian borderlands and maquiladoras Chapter 10 Racial and Ethnic Inequality racial group in the US ethnic groups major groups in the US minority group o definition and essential characteristics o unequal treatment o o ascribed status o common physical or cultural traits solidarity prejudice and discrimination difference the contact hypothesis theories of prejudice o conflict theory exploitation theory patterns of intergroup relations amalgamation a b c d o groups blended together o melting pot assimilation a b c a african americans short history native americans o o asian americans o latinos short history trail of tears internment of japanese americans o numbers and diversity o genocide population transfer segregation assimilation pluralism o others have to accept cultural values and such of another group Chapter 12 The family and the intimate relationships most recent trends in US families and intimate relationships o waiting to get married o living together before marriage family compositions o nuclear and extended family monogamy and serial monogamy polygamy multiple spouses o polygyny and polyandry sociological perspectives on the family functionalist o o conflict F Engels interactionist family as source of social inequality family performs important societal functions repro protection socialization o micro level of analysis looking at family and intimate relationships interaction changing roles racial and ethnic differences with respect to family composition marriage and divorce rates o asians mexican american families o machismo and familism cohabitation Chapter 14 Government and the Economy economic systems capitalism and socialism essential features convergence of capitalism and socialism power and authority Weber s definition of power illegitimate power coercion legitimate power authority 3 types of legitimate power or authority o o o o o o traditional legal rational charismatic

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KSU SOC 12050 - Test 3 Review

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