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Agents of Socialization 1 Family M Kohn social differences working class parents outward conformity obedience middle class parents curiosity self expression self control 2 Neighborhood 3 Daycare National Institute for Child Health and Human Development 1999 1300 infants 6 36 months 35 hours per week or more in this time have a weaker daycare children who spend mother child bond 4 School and Peer Group Boys athletic ability cool tough Girls family background appearance clothes 5 Mass Media and Technology 6 Workplace Anticipatory Socialization preparation for future positions occupations and social relationships Resocialization process of learning new norms values attitudes and behaviors Total Institutions a place in which people are cut off from the rest of society and controlled by the officials who run the place concentration camps prisons some religious cults Degradation Ceremony Garfinkel 1956 you are no longer the individual that you used to be outside of the camp prison or cult Socialization Through the Life Course 1 Childbirth birth 12 2 Adolescence 13 17 childhood adulthood 3 Young Adulthood 18 29 4 Middle Years 30 65 early middle years 30 49 later middle years 50 65 The Sandwich Generation 5 Older Years 65 Chapter 5 Social Interaction and Reality social interaction ways people respond to one another social structure the way society is organized into predictable relations Ability to define social reality reflects group s power within society status socially defined positions within a large group or society person can hold more than 1 status at a time ascribed status that your born with involuntary race age sex achieved status that one earns voluntary you get to choose what you are master status that dominates other statuses and determines a person s general position in society job In US ascribed statuses of races and sex can function as master statuses statuses role behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status individuals hold a status and perform a role role conflict conflict b t roles corresponding to 2 or more role strain tension b t roles connected to a single status Social Roles role exit process of disengagement of a role that is central to ones identity to establish a new role doubt search for alternatives action stage creation of a new identity Types of Groups group any number of people w similar norms values and expectations who interact on a regular basis primary group small group with intimate face to face association and cooperation secondary group formal impersonal groups w little social intimacy or mutual understanding category is a section of people that happen to be at the same place at the same time primary small long period of interaction intimate emotional depth cooperative friendly secondary large short duration little intimacy relationships generally superficial more formal impersonal in groups and out groups in groups any groups or categories to which people feel like they belong out groups any group to which people don t think they belong conflict between in groups and out groups can turn violent on a personal level as well as a political level reference group provide standards by which we make self evaluations individuals use as a standard for evaluating behavior reference groups set and enforce standards of conduct and belief often 2 or more reference groups influence us at the same time coalitions temporary or permanent alliances geared toward a common goal In groups and Out groups loyalty and respect antagonism and contempt we Sense of Belonging they Social network series of social relationships that link a person directly to others and indirectly links him or her to still more people networking involvement in social network valuable skill when job hunting can center on any activity formal organization group designed for a special purpose and structured for max efficiency bureaucracy component of formal organization that uses rules and hierarchical ranking to achieve efficiency ideal type bureaucracy Weber construct or model for evaluating specific cases Ideal Type of Bureaucracy 1 division of labor 2 hierarchy of authority 3 written rules and regulations 4 impersonality 5 employment based on technical qualifications Dysfunctions of bureaucracy alienation condition of estrangement or dissociation from the surrounding society trained incapacity workers become so specialized that they develop blind spots and fail to notice obvious problems Characteristics goal displacement overzealous conformity to official regulations Basic Institutions 5 basic social institutions 1 family to care for dependants and rear children 2 Economy to produce and distribute goods 3 Government to provide community coordination and defense 4 Education to train new generations 5 Religion to supply answers about unknown and unknowable Modern Societies are complex Durkheim s Mechanical and Organic Solidarity Tonnies Gemeinschaft sand Gesellschaft Division of Labor Mechanical Solidarity collective consciousness that emphasizes group solidarity implying all the individuals perform the same tasks Organic Solidarity collective consciousness that hinges on the need society s members have for one another Gameinshaft small community in which people have similar backgrounds and life experiences Gesellschaft large community in which people are strangers and feel little in common with other community residents Social Control techniques and strategies employed for preventing deviant human behavior in any society Chapter 7 parents peer groups companies government informal soc control used casually to enforce norms formal soc control carried out by authorized agents Interplay between formal and informal society control can be complicated especially if informal social control encourages people to violate social norms Sanctions penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm death penalty ultimate form of sanction subject of controversy centered on effectiveness of this sanction of social control conformity going along with peers who have no special right to direct behavior obedience compliance with the higher authorities in an hierarchical structure Asch 1952 research conformity in a group to not be isolated The Milgram Experiment Experimenter instructed people to administer increasingly painful electric shocks to a subject teachers and learners mild shock 15 volts 450 volts results 2 3 of participants fell into category of obedient subjects 70 deviance behavior

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KSU SOC 12050 - Agents of Socialization

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