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high renaissance in italy 1480 1520 part 2 venetian renaissance LECTURE MICHELANGELO sistine chapel prophets and sibyls nine scenes of genesis temptation and expulsion from eden eve is the one who initiated eating the fruit and she is blamed women s inferiority blame feminine way this illustration shows adam reaching for fruit too saying he was just as much to this shows how michelangelo feels that all humanity is to blame first scene of genesis god is shown as both male and female this is similar to the previous depiction of apollo who is also a male shown in a tomb of pope julius II what michelangelo was working on first he then was told to work on sistine chapel once julius died he continued working on it moses 1513 1515 began work on him after julius died this figure is on top because julius found himself comparable to moses there is intensity to this sculpture it looks like he is filled with anger its the moment when he looks at ten commandments he has the traditional horns as earlier depicted by st jerome st jerome was first to translate bible from hebrew greek to latin translated portion where the rays of light emanating from his face so he used horns although it is a mistranslation michelangelo still used it to help with terribilita RAPHAEL studied perugino s work also called to rome by pope julius II in 1508 this contributes to the fact that pope julius II was greatest patron of this time school of athens plato and aristotle are shown walking down the middle they are key philosophers plato thought of higher power aristotle thought of only what was on earth pythagoras believed numbers had higher meaning and herclitus platonians euclid developed geometry zoraster studied stars and knew earth was round aristotlians these show the geniuses alive in his day raphael has shown plato and leonardo to have the same face bramante and euclid have the same face michelangelo has same face as herclitus he does this to show that people of this time are comparable to those of antiquity at this time michelangelo is working on sistine chapel this is similar to the last supper which helps us to read it more easily the clusters of people are grouped symmetrical to bring focus to center the people of the front group is tied to the back group by the guy sitting on the stairs their body postures help with the alignment to lead your eye to each group it is crowded by not confusing based essentially on the last supper mannerism begins 1520 1580 starts in central italy and spreads to all of europe did everything opposite of what renaissance did very strange artificial effects nothing really makes sense PONTORMO begins next generation of artists just after leonardo and michelangelo they were left in a position to think what is there left to do that previous artists haven t circle oval entombment of christ 1524 1528 can t really tell the setting unlike raphael s madonna in the meadow can t tell what they are standing on either raphael s composition is simple its a pyramid pontormo s has everything pushed to the edge so you think it is a diamond in raphael s you can tell the clear focus is baby jesus in pontormo s you tend to wander all over there s nothing in the center raphael s colors are more bold and earth tones pontormo s colors are strange and neon like unnatural raphael s scene is very calm mood is much different in pontormo s and everyone has an anxious and in depth he also puts back to audience of one figure face PARMIGIANINO madonna with long neck 1535 jesus is very long with 10 year old body but bald baby head and face looks dead can t tell what mary is sitting on hips are huge neck is long is ever weird face in her hip random leg at the left belongs to no one little figure in the right corner don t understand scale one column but multiple shadows madonna s fingers are so long where are they setting is ambiguous they are all crammed in one area when can be on other side this style is referred to art for art s sake they are simply doing it just to experiment cool and bizarre BRONZINO portrait of a young man 1530 1545 shows someone who is supremely sophisticated portrays the type of patrons he had also deals with art for art s sake people are mystified by this movement and leas to some trouble also shown in sculpture GIOVANNI DA BOLOGNA abduction of the sabine women 1579 1583 all carved from one stone huge carved with no subject in mind made with no story meant to be told every single angel is interesting true sculpture in the round art for art s sake experimentation GIULIO ROMANO palazzo del te 1525 1535 has stone punching through one of the pediments plays with the rules of classical vocabulary triglyph and metope are found at top his defies the rules of architecture art for art s sake try to find something new that other artists did not do martin luther broken hearted when he saw corruption in catholic church augustian monk sincere he saw the holiest building in europe being torn down for the new st peter s julius II attempted to finance the rebuilding of st peters through the sale of cardinalships to highest bidder this practice known as simony the buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices or pardons luther was upset that popes did not hold to their holy vows pope alexander vi borgia had a daughter pope leo x medici 1513 1521 and pope leo s nephew luigi de rossi nepotism this is when popes gave positions that were very powerful to family and friends he did not like indulgences which took away your sins to let you go to heavy you paid money pope leo x s indulgence sold for the rebuilding of st peter s the indulgences were said to keep you out of purgatory longer not true not in bible wittenberg october 31 1517 luther nails 95 theses to door of wittenberg cathedral this began protestant reformation pope laughed it off mistake people in germany were worried germany rallied around martin luther and it began protestant reformation by the 1530 s only spain portugal and italy remained loyal to the roman church everyone else went to the protestants henry of england created his own church because the pope did not grant him a divorce michelangelo s last judgement shows what will happen to those who do not return to catholics christ is in middle he shows damnation with one had and blessing with other martin luther provoked this crisis DISCUSSION mannerism 1520 1580 pieta mary ecclesia mary as a metaphor for the christian church laocoon and his sons 1st c rome this was discovered in the nero s

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KSU ARTH 22007 - Lecture notes

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