Other Isms Reactions to realism Turn of the century Wanted theatre to be more abstract and artistic 1 Symbolism Began in 1880s in Paris France Extends to all art forms Wanted to convey inner feelings thoughts in terms of metaphors Tends to be hard to follow Dreamlike Smoke mirrors Strong emphasis on voice and music use of repetition in order to build up an emotional reaction Famous Pieces Ubu Roi Alfred Jarry Twisted version of Oedipus Rex Shakespeare s royal plays Opened in Paris in 1896 Beginning of the Avante Garde 2 Expressionism Scream painting Flourished in Germany during WWI Creating atmosphere and mood Art headed to move beyond real and into truth Usually highly subjective through eyes of protagonist Distortion Dreamlike Common Themes dehumanization by society deterioration of family Protagonist is usually Christ like who journeys through unrelated events usually not chronological Short lived genre 10 years No names descriptions Adding Machine 1923 3 Futurism War machines Italy 1909 Argued against separation between audience and actors wanted to confront audience Overwhelming the senses Closely related to Dadaism Switzerland 1916 4 Dadaism Art should mirror the madness of the world Large impact on visual arts Creating art out of nothing 5 Surrealism Developed in France 1924 Andre Breton Paris Subconscious is the highest plane of reality Dreamlike Dreams drugs to access subconscious Antonin Artaud Salvador Dahli Bertolt Brecht believed that westerners needed to study Asian theatre A Theater of Cruelty emphasis on the sensory Wanted actors to touch and throw things at the audience Strobe lights loud sounds sound scapes sometimes smell Developed epic theater Large in scope dealt with sweeping social issues Tended to cover great deal of time have many settings and characters Believed theater needed to be used for social change No attempt to fool audience into a sense of reality The Caucasian Chalk Circle
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