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Aristotle s 6 Elements of Theatre Derived from what made a good tragedy 1 Plot 2 Character 3 Thought 4 Diction 5 Music 6 Spectacle 2 Character Oedipus Rex Aristotle s perfect tragedy Imitation of Action To show something rather than telling it Supports plot furthers plot Personal motivations are directly intertwined with the cause and effect chain in tragedies usually the protagonist Usually have to be true to life in order to be identifiable Antagonist Villain Foil friend who causes trouble or gets into it Confidant who the protagonist can confide in Raissoneur old wise character All of the information we get from characters usually from their 3 Thought dialogue Emotional stuff 4 Diction How the dialogue is constructed the way the words were chosen Verse and pros 5 Music Anything auditory The way someone says something 7 Spectacle Everything that is on stage What the actor is doing rather than who the actor is

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KSU THEA 11000 - Aristotle’s 6 Elements of Theatre

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