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Theatre Configurations 1 Proscenium Picture frame Viewed from one direction Majority of stage is behind the arch Larger sets and more people 2 Thrust Threatre Audience on three sides No fly More intimate No big set pieces More difficult to move scenery Smaller 3 Theatre in the Round Arena Theatre Viewed from all sides More intimate More realistic blocking Difficult to move scenery and actors 4 Black Box Theatre Multi purpose or convertible room Room painted black Harder to set up Intimate and interesting 5 Created or Found Spaces Improvised space for a show Anywhere besides an actual theatre Playwrights Create characters Decide the setting Write the dialogue Write the character s actions Create Plot incidents during the play Has a beginning middle and end Cause and effect chain More complex more interesting One of the elements of theatre Only what the audience sees during the play arrangement of the

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KSU THEA 11000 - Theatre Configurations

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