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Bio quiz 3 1 2 If a strand of DNA has the nitrogen base sequence 5 ATTTGC 3 what will be the sequence of the matching strand If a DNA double helix is 100 nucleotide pairs long and contains 25 adenine bases how many guanine bases does it contain a 3 TAAACG 5 a 25 3 The two strands of a DNA double helix are held together by that form between pairs of nitrogenous bases a Hydrogen bonds 4 A nucleotide is composed of a n a phosphate group a nitrogen containing base and a five carbon sugar 5 Where is DNA found in cells 3 6 In the chromosomes a 6 A patient has an infection of Streptococcus bacteria She takes azithromycin which kills off 99 of a bacterial population All surviving bacteria are resistant to azithromycin What has occurred in this bacterial population 15 2 a Natural selection 7 Although diarrhea and vomiting help expel invading pathogenic bacteria they have an adverse effect What is it a They deplete the body s water supply 8 Can you identify the process by which natural selection acts on an insect population exposed to pesticides a 1 Pesticide is applied to a population of insects 2 some insects have a gene that makes them resistant to the pesticide These insects survive Insects without the gene die 3 the surviving insects reproduce The frequency of resistant insects in the population increases 9 Proteins are polymers of a Amino acids 10 What type of bond joins the monomers in a protein s primary structure a Peptide a purple squiggles a Peptide bonds a Hydrogen bonds 11 Which of these illustrates the secondary structure of a protein 12 The secondary structure of a protein results from 13 Tertiary structure is NOT directly dependent on 14 How do competitive inhibitors stop a chemical reaction 6 5 a Competitive inhibitors bind in the active site of an enzyme 15 Between 2001 and 2005 what happened to the number of people 16 What type of drugs became the standard of care for H I V patients in living with H I V in the U S It has increased a the mid 1990s a Antiretroviral drugs 17 which condition causes fat to be redistributed throughout the body leaving the face and legs thin while the belly is distended and the back is humped a Lipodystrophy 18 What do many AIDS patients suffer from mostly because of either intravenous drug use or alcohol abuse a Liver disease 19 A strain of virus in birds picks up avian DNA infects a human host and inserts the DNA into the human s genome What can be said about this event 13 2 a transformation of human cells has occurred 20 Enzymes are a proteins 21 Enzymes work by reducing EA 22 An enzyme a a s an organic catalyst reaction a subtrates 23 What name is given to the reactants in an enzymatically catalyzed 24 As a result of its involvement in a reaction an enzyme a is unchanged 25 What is the correct label for A a Energy of activation 26 The genetic material of HIV consists of a single stranded RNA 27 Which of these binds to receptor molecules on the host cell membrane a A 28 What is the function of reverse transcriptase a It catalyzes the formation of DNA from an RNA template 29 What is the source of a viral envelope a host cell membrane 30 Which of these is reverse transcriptase a C 31 Which of these is the viral genome a B 32 What enzyme is responsible for the process seen here a reverse transcriptase 33 Double stranded viral DNA is incorporated into a host cell as a a Provirus 34 Assume that you have a summer fellowship to study vaccine production for an agent of an emerging infectious disease You infected several animals with the agent and watched the animals get sick and recover within three to four days Three months later you tried to reinfect the same animals with the same agent with no success What can you conclude about the animals defense to this new agent a The animal responded to the first infection with an adaptive immune response 35 What is another name for RNA synthesis a Ranscription 36 Why do some antibiotics become ineffective in treating disease a A mutant bacterium passes its genes for resistance to its offspring consequently an antibiotic resistant strain is formed 37 What does it mean if a gene is expressed It is transcribed and translated a

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LSU BIOL 1002 - Quiz 3

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