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Fulcher January 12 2011 history of Civilization Chapter 1 The Dry Bones Speak An overview of prehistory events of the past prior to the written record o Dealt with by archeologists and paleontologists History Historians analyses of sources a discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings study historical events and people and read write and publish producing written Centuries 1800 s 19th Century 0 99 1st Century Current Terminology BCE before the common era formerly BC counts down from zero CE common era formerly AD counts up from zero BP before the present Therefore today is 2011 AD sources Documents existing from the past written or artifacts ex JFK s assassination Primary sources the film photos witnesses and what they say afterwards the newspaper the day of or after Another primary source is a myth how history was passed down before writing Most discussed the works of the universe explained the world around them and historians focus on interactions Secondary sources the interpretation Sources written about primary sources ex JFK example a later documentary or biography written about JFK articles magazines movies History and our understanding of the past changes reflecting on what was written Creation Stories Tell beliefs of societies who we are how we came o Primary sources that tell historians where they came from o Every culture has formulated and retold where the universe came from o All stories are different Why were we created How were we created

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KSU HIST 11050 - Chapter 1: The Dry Bones Speak

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