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Unit 2 Notes we cannot be competent communicators but we can cooperate with others to create competent occurs Video Communication the most valued concept in the history of mankind Jobs want people with good presentation skills who can use powerpoint 2 1 Defining Competent Communication I conceiving and performing appropriate communication strategies and skils to help each other create mutual involvement and shared meaning II II A The action approach II B II B 1 gain insight into the communication process II B 2 a k a linear approach II B 3 knowing what behavior to perform at an appropriate time II B 4 Sending appropriate messages and behave in an effective manner II B 5 Incomplete because it focuses on one communicators actions or goals II B 6 II C The reaction approach II D II E The transaction approach II F II D 1 Gain some insight inside of the conversation II D 2 Focuses on the receiver and feedback II D 3 Emphasizes of adapting to feedback so that the conversation reaches it goals II D 4 II F 1 The communicators cooperate with each other to created shared meaning II F 2 considers all behaviors in the conversation II F 3 Competent communication is not the actions of one person OR the other II F 4 Competent communication is the interaction of both people II F 5 There is no such thing as a competent communicator only competent III The Elements of Competent Communication IV communication II F 6 IV A Involvement IV B IV B 1 Involved communicators tend to focus their feelings thoughts and conscious attention on the here and now of an interaction in which they are participating IV B 2 Involved communicators are interested in understanding others messages and understanding how other communicators might interpret their verbal and nonverbal messages IV B 3 You behave in appropriate ways IV B 4 Being involved in communication you pay attention to social physical context other communicators and your own verbal and nonverbal messages IV C Strategies to encourage others involvement in competent communication IV D 2 a By acknowledging what others say we encourage their involvement this communicates your involvement IV D 2 b Once other know you are involved they become motivated to become IV D IV D 1 Recognition IV D 2 involved IV D 2 c IV D 3 Suitability IV D 4 IV D 4 a Suitable messages do not call attention to themselves because they fit in with the ongoing communication Because it fits it is an indicator to your involvement IV D 4 b Behaving and flowing with conversation IV D 4 c When asked a question answering it head on IV D 4 d IV D 5 Flexibility IV D 6 IV D 6 a Communicators must be flexible IV D 6 b Develop good talking habits you ll talk better in your speeches IV D 6 c when I encounter a new type of conversation I should be willing to be able to deviate depart from established course from the script IV D 6 d Be able to understand when messages are inappropriate IV D 6 e create appropriate messages IV D 6 f modify our messages to remain appropriate as the communication situation develops and changes respond appropriately IV D 6 g I should also be willing to help other communicators define the situation and IV D 6 h Competent Communication therefore requires me to cooperate w adapt to ea other It is appropriate to treat every situation as new IV D 6 i IV D 7 Satisfaction IV D 8 IV D 8 a People participate in communication to get some satisfaction IV D 8 b You can also help others gain satisfaction from their participation by positively acknowledging their messages IV D 8 c V Achieving Competent Communication VI VI A Competent in Communication 5 elements VI B VI B 1 Goals VI B 2 Analyzing the context VI B 3 accomplishing goals VI B 3 a gathering info about other communicators the context anything related to VI B 3 b Reassessment allows you to make changes in your communication in response to unanticipated messages VI B 3 c VI B 4 Communication skills VI B 5 competent communication VI B 5 c VI B 6 Communication Strategies VI B 7 have meaning VI B 7 e VI B 8 Cooperation VI B 9 VI B 5 a the ability to perform specific communication behaviors VI B 5 b Effective communication skills contribute to your abilities to be involved in VI B 7 a using your communicable skills in particular ways to accomplish a goal s VI B 7 b are responses to requirements of a specific communiation context VI B 7 c Choosing the right strategy is based on the amount of detailed info you VI B 7 d Strategies should accomplish the communicators goals and help them share VI B 9 a Cooperation is the key to successful communication strategies VI B 9 b If communicators do not try to help each other understand meaning is not VI B 9 c You must cooperate to overcome misunderstandings to arrive at a common shared meaning VI B 9 d VI B 9 e VI B 9 f 2 2 The Social Context VII Refers to the culture and society where the communication occurs VIII focused on listener not settings IX IX A Adapting To IX B IX B 1 communication purposes IX B 2 IX B 2 a Competent communication is difficult until we agree on the purposes of communicating and understand the occassion IX B 2 b IX B 2 b 1 General communication purposes IX B 2 b 2 IX B 2 b 2 a inform IX B 2 b 2 b persuade IX B 2 b 2 c entertain IX B 2 b 3 also specific communication purpose private IX B 2 b 4 To analyze the purpose of the communication ask IX B 2 b 5 IX B 2 b 5 a what do I want to accomplish IX B 2 b 5 b What do I think others want to accomplish IX B 2 b 5 c What do others expect from me IX B 2 b 5 d What does the occasion demand from me From them IX B 2 b 5 e What communication would be inappropriate for this occasion IX B 2 b 5 f IX B 3 relationships between communicators IX B 4 IX B 4 a my relatoinship w folk influence how interpret messages IX B 4 b Rela s are mutually created IX B 4 c You look at other peoples behavior for clues about the relationship this is how we interpret another person s message IX B 4 d adapting to each others perceptions of the relationship is key to further competent interaction IX B 4 e Metacommunication is communicating about communication IX B 4 f IX B 4 f 1 how one feels about another IX B 5 influences of culture X Adapt to culture XI XI A intercultural comm is comm between people or groups that have different …

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