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Web com 15000 Unit 1 Notes INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Communication skills will help you communicate in your I Careers II Interpersonal Relationships III Civic Lives IV Unit 1 1 1 V Researchers say Communication skills are the most important skills a person brings to a job VI Even with working computers workers need oral literacy the ability to communicate to work in teams and to shift rapidly as the work changed VII Unit 1 1 2 VIII What keeps a relationship strong with a friend or foe or family member is your quality of your communication with the other person IX Thou the strategies dicussed in this textbook will likely help your through a difficult situation with a spouse a child a friend a partner a lover a brother or sister a relative or a parent X By learning proper communication skills you minimize difficulties w people you manage to have problems with XI All adults today need to be able to communicate with clarity to articulate ideas to reason to separate key facts from the barrage of ideas we all are exposed to everyday XII Unit 1 1 3 XIII Communication ensure that citizens are aware of issues and the many possible positions on XIV Good citizens read widely and attend to varied sources of information whether we agree or each issue disagree XV Top Skills by Personal Directors XVI XVI A Oral Communication XVI B Listening Skills XVI C Enthusiasm XVI D Writing Skills XVI E Technical Competence XVI F Appearance XVI G Poise XVI H Work Experience XVI I Resume XVI J Specific Degree Held XVII Communications skills in any field in your in in life are the most important skills in getting a job doing well on the job and advancing careers XVIII Also important 2 Honesty and Integrity 3 Interpersonal skills 6 Teamwork skills XIX Communication skills is critical to work environment success XX Communication as a Transaction The transactional model of communication XXI Transactional Approach to communication assumes that both people are sending and receiving messages at the same time XXII XXII A both people perceive understand each others messages and simultaneously one after another engage in communication XXII B Senders and listeners create shared meaning XXII C People cooperate to creating shared meaning XXII D Communication The mutual creation of shared meaning through the simultaneous one after another interpretation and response to verbal and nonverbal behaviors in a specific context XXIII Competent skillful Communication demands hard work by each communicator XXIV Both person A and B percieve XXV XXVI All the above determine the outcome of the conversation XXVII The physical context is the setting for the communication and includes the XXVIII XXV A occasion XXV B relationships XXV C roles XXV D purposes of communication XXVIII A time of day XXVIII B physical surroundings XXVIII C location XXIX The Cultural context XXX XXX A rules of acceptable behavior XXX B rules of unacceptable behaviors XXX C rituals XXX D expectations XXXI Self Consist of XXXII XXXII A previous communication experiences XXXII B psychological makeup XXXII C personality XXXII D physical state XXXII E the person s behaviors XXXII F their own behaviors XXXII G The Transactional Communication Process in the model XXXIII culture and background is being mixed sent and recieved between the two communicators XXXIV The Messages in the transactional Model XXXV Perceptions are received from each other nonverbally and verbally XXXVI As more people enter the a Communication situation more and more meanings are generated for the same behavior XXXVII If you don t connect with someone s specific personality the probably wont respond but if you do connect with someone s personality in a group setting or not whoever responds when you say something is probably because that message pertained to their personality XXXVIII XXXVIII A If Person A and Person B have similar perceptions for these four messages they co create shared meaning XXXVIII B Characteristics of each communicator XXXIX Important Characteristics that influence each communicator XL Goals XLI XLI A Each person wants to accomplish something specific as a result of the communicatoin negotiation XLIII A As a result of different speaking and listening skills competent skilled XLV A Person A and Person B use DIFFERENT communication strategies to accomplish XLII Skills XLIII communication is affected XLIV Strategies XLV their OWN communication goals XLVI Level of Communication XLVII XLVII A Tend not to focus in our listening groups XLVII B XLVII C 1 3 Principles of Transactional XLVIII 5 key elements Communication is XLIX XLIX A Process XLIX B XLIX B 1 it has no clear beginning or end XLIX B 2 cannot be turned on or off at will XLIX B 3 it is impossible to determine the start and end of a conversation XLIX B 4 You cannot not communicate XLIX B 5 XLIX C Shared responsibility XLIX D XLIX D 1 is interdependent because our messages and interpretations of the other s messages depend on each other XLIX D 2 ea person is responsible for competent skillful understandable communication XLIX D 3 While we talk we also listen XLIX D 4 In recieving and interpreting other messages we change our own messages XLIX D 5 The other person s messages are also influenced by our messages XLIX D 6 XLIX E Content and relationship messages XLIX F XLIX F 1 ea message conveys an idea XLIX F 2 ea person tries to understand the idea the other is trying to communicate XLIX F 3 The content is usually the overt clear apparent meaning of the message XLIX F 4 there are characteristics elements in all communication XLIX F 5 XLIX F 5 a emotions felt by both XLIX F 5 b Their relative power XLIX F 5 c Their relative status XLIX F 5 d Their attraction to ea other XLIX F 5 e Their involvement w ea others lives XLIX F 6 Every relationship has either a content message or relationship message XLIX F 7 content and relattionship change the mood of the conversation XLIX F 8 XLIX F 8 a friend XLIX F 8 b boss XLIX F 8 c parent XLIX F 8 d lover XLIX F 8 e partner XLIX F 8 f stranger XLIX F 8 g XLIX G Irreversible XLIX H of words XLIX H 3 d XLIX I Personal XLIX J situation XLIX J 2 XLIX H 1 Cannot be reversed because it has already affected others perceptions understands and feelings XLIX H 2 Messages are interpreted as they are percieved XLIX H 3 XLIX H 3 a once messages are percieved they cannot be taken back XLIX H 3 b once a message is said it moves the listener and influences his next set XLIX H 3 c People try and

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KSU COMM 15000 - Communication skills

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