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The Two Sides The Two Sides of Advertising of Advertising Media and message strategy work together to create effective advertising Creative activities work in parallel with the media strategy Prentice Hall 2009 12 5 12 1 The Art and Science of The Art and Science of Advertising Advertising The advertisement translates the logic of planning decisions into a creative idea that is original attention getting and memorable Ads must persuade people to take action and make a relevant connection with the audience and present a selling idea in an unexpected way Principle Effective advertising is the product of both science persuasion and art creativity Prentice Hall 2009 12 2 The Role of Creativity The Role of Creativity in Advertising in Advertising Advertising creativity is a product of teamwork between copywriters art directrs and even broadcast directors work together to generate concept word and picture ideas In advertising creativity is both a job description and a goal Creativity is a special form of problem solving Prentice Hall 2009 12 3 Message Planning Message Planning The creative strategy phase brings together the art and science of advertising Ad ideas must be creative original different novel unexpected and strategic right for the product and target meets advertising objectives Creative strategy message strategy What the ad says Execution How it is said Prentice Hall 2009 12 4 Creative Brief Creative Brief Spells out the creative strategy and key execution details Prepared by the account planner to summarize the basic marketing and advertising strategy Provides direction to the creative team to develop a creative conept Prentice Hall 2009 12 5 Message Objectives Based Message Objectives Based on Facets Model on Facets Model perception Get the ad Seen heard create attention awareness interest recognition affective Feel touch emotions and create feelings cognition Think learn deliver information aid understanding create recall persuasion Believe change attitudes create conviction and preference lifestyles Connect establish brand identity and associations transform a product into a brand with distinctive personality and image behavior Act stimulate trial purchase repurchase or some other form of action Prentice Hall 2009 12 6 Branding Branding Brand positions and brand images are built through message strategies and brought to life through advertising executions Advertising creates brand salience The brand is visible has a presence in the marketplace consumers are aware of it and the brand is important to its target market Brand icons reinforce lend personality emotion and stories to their brands Burger King s creepy BK King GEICO Gecko Frontier s animals Prentice Hall 2009 12 7 Message Strategies Message Strategies Based on objectives the goals are translated into strategies A creative strategy is an approach that makes the most sense given the brand s marketing situation and the target audience s needs and interests Prentice Hall 2009 12 8 Creative Strategy Approaches Creative Strategy Approaches Head and Heart Head uses more rational cognitive thinking Heart uses more emotional affective feeling objectives objectives Hard sell and Soft Sell Hard sell uses an informational message that touches the mind and creates a response Soft sell uses emotional appeals or images to create a response based on attitudes moods and feelings Prentice Hall 2009 12 9 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Lectures A series of instructions given verbally Speaker presents evidence to persuade the audience Lectures are inexpensive compact and efficient A talking head delivers a lecture about a product Dramas Funny or serious stories about how the world works Characters speak to each other and audience infers lessons Prentice Hall 2009 12 10 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Selling Strategies A selling premise uses a rational head approach that states the logic behind the sales offer An appeal uses an emotional heart approach to make the product attractive or interesting A feature or attribute has a practical effect on customers A claim is a product based strategy based on how will the product will perform Support is the proof or substantiation needed to make a claim believable Prentice Hall 2009 12 11 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Rational Prospect Customer focused Strategies Benefit what the product does for the user benefit future Promise what benefit the user will get in the Reason you should buy this because Unique selling proposition a benefit unique to the product and important to the user Prentice Hall 2009 12 12 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Message Formulas Straightforward Demonstration Comparison Problem solution problem avoidance Humor Slice of life Elaborate problem solution or problem avoidance Spokesperson Teasers Prentice Hall 2009 12 13 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Matching Messages to Objectives Get attention Do the opposite Create interest starting with a question Resonate amplify emotional impact Create believability persuade Are remembered Repetition Slogans used on all marketing strategies becomes a slogan Taglines when a tagline is used consistently at the end Key Visual Vivid image that will linger in memory Every ad to have one key visual color Principle To get attention ad ad must have stopping power which comes from originality relevance or instrusiveness an idea that is novel or surprising Prentice Hall 2009 12 14 Strategic Formats and Formulas Strategic Formats and Formulas Matching Messages to Objectives cont Touch emotions Embarrassment sad mad Inform news announcement infomercial comparison ads Teach demonstration explanation Persuade testimonial endorsement Principle When advertising gives consumers permission to believe in a product it establishes the platform for conviction Create brand association link product to image Drive action Principle Not only does advertising have to stop get attention and pull create interest it also has to stick in memory Prentice Hall 2009 12 15 What is a Creative Concept What is a Creative Concept It s an idea a thought or concept formed by mentally combining pieces and fragments into something meaningful Concepting the process of coming up with a new advertising idea James Webb Young defines an idea as a new or unexpected combination of thoughts Prentice Hall 2009 12 16 The ROI of

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