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Ziggurat Hieroglyphs Primary Source Secondary Source Hyksos 1570 1090 B C Akhenaton 1363 1347 Hatshepsut 1479 1499 Paleolithic 30 000 10 000 Obsidian Cuneiform Neolithic Revolution 8000 4000 Pyramids in Suma are called Ziggurat Basically a temple of Sumerian origin in the form of Rulers of Egypt in the 15th dynasty Invaded Egypt known as the shepherd Volcanic glass used for tool making in the Stone Age First agricultural revolution transition from hunting and Pharaoh One of the Heretic kings and husband of Nefertiti He Early Stone Age Hunting and gathering Stone tools Cave paintings A secondary source is a document or recording that relates or discusses Was a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that contained a Read documents written by people who lived in the past Example Monuments Earliest known writing in the world created by Sumerians in Mesopotamia as picture Statues Religious documents etc originally presented elsewhere Example Journals Thesis Books Articles etc Burial practices gathering to agriculture and settlement writing It is written on clay tablets using long reeds a pyramidal tower consisting of stories combination of logographic and alphabetic elements kings abandoned polytheism and persuaded to monotheism Worshipped Aton So priest repelled since they just led to worship of one god Pharaoh died She wore bear to look like man Spent money on development of cities Married to Akhenaton Helped him rule the country Very Beautiful one God Youngest ruler Aton Hittites 1500 1200 Peleset 1175 1000 Phoenicians 1200 700 means shopping malls kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylon Exile of Jews in Babylon including the Sumerians Akkadians Babylonians and Assyrians sacrifice to Minotaur Mesopotamia Ahriman Mainya Were the people who once lived in modern Turkey and Northern Syria Are the Philistines Lived in 5 city states along the sea shore Developed Iron Many gods but you worship in one specific Worship of one god Henotheism Monotheism Babylonian Captivity Was a 18yr old priest and repelled Akhenaton and Nefertiti since they worshipped Was a god like thing for Minoans Minos asked Athenians for 7 boys and 7 girls to Was married to a Pharaoh and claimed the right to rule the country after Was the period in Jewish History during which the Jew of the ancient Greek name means land between the rivers Home of the oldest major civilizations Was the god Akhenaton and Nefertiti made everybody worship A region in Western Asia and it includes fertile regions of Was a Zoroastrian demon and a principle of evil in Persian mythology known as the Angra Had the best harvest Developed ships and shipping Made Emporia which Nefertiti Tutankhamen Fertile Crescent 9000 4500 B C Mesopotamia Minotaur Epic poem by Homer Minoans 1600 1500 Pisistratus Pericles Greek historian Father of History Linear A Linear B Knossos Great general and opposed to hereditary Ancient Greek poet Author of Iliad and Odyssey One of the sons of Peisistratus and tyrant of Athens Founded in 477 BC Association of all the Greek States Story of Odysseus journey back to home and Trojan wars Took over Greece from Minoans Small kings under a big king Was an Athenian expedition to Sicily from 415 BC to 413 BC during Was a noble Athenian of Alcmaenoid family Started democracy in Athens Was elected to board of 10 Generals every year Died in 429 One of the best political Mycenaean 2300 B C Homer 700 750 Iliad Odyssey Delian League Cleisthenes Herodotus 484 425 B C Sicilian Expedition Hippias 527 B C Deme A subdivision of Attica the region of Greece surrounding Athens Boul Ostracism Minoan Writing but cannot be read Indo European language and is the Mycenaean writing Also known as Labyrinth Minoan Capital City Had developed roads and numerous stations on roads One of the Sea Peoples Invaded Greece Not known about its founder but according to Thucydides it was found by Minos and it was a sea land called Thalassocracy meaning no walls and no cities connected and no knowledge of warfare They lived a good life built ships etc Peloponnesian War Result Athenian Defeat leaders But didn t take democracy seriously basically ruled the country the way he wanted state of Athens for ten years Example Thucydides Athenian lawmaker statesman and poet He is remembered for his efforts to legislate against political economic and moral decline Credited for having laid the foundation of Athenina democracy design required men to fight in formation Persians win This is when Spartans get ditched and get attacked from back from an ally It is a dialogue from Thucydides History of Peloponnesian War It is brief dialogue between Athenians and Melos and Athens asking Melos a Spartan colony to surrender Melos finally surrender and Athenians kill all the men and slave the women and children Greeks win Zoroastrianism 6 Cyrus the Great 600 529 B C Polis Tyranny Xerxes 485 465 B C Hoplite Reform 675 B C Procedure of Athenian democracy in which any citizen could be expelled from the city City state and also citizenship and body of citizens Often translated as city state Persian god of good deeds Zarathustra thought Ahura Mazda created the world The naval battle fought between Greek city states and the Persian Empire The The battle Thermopylae was fought between Sparta and Persian Empire Occurred because of the introduction of new shield the hoplan The Founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty Unrestrained exercise of power Abuse of authority power Persian religion based on the philosophies of Zarathustra Ahura Mazda Solon Melian dialogue 431 404 B C Thermopylae 480 B C 4th Zoroastrian king Salamis 480 B C th century Helots Sparta 11 rd Century BC Stoicism around 3 th century 195 B C Thucydides 460 395 B C Peloponnesian War 431 404 B C Stoicism was a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens A Greek historian and author of the History of Peloponnesian War Was Ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Prominent city state in ancient Greece Had the greatest military People who formed the population of Laconia and the whole of Messenia They were mostly slaves and belonged to the state of Messenia originally and were asked to surrender by the Athens and the Athenians killed the men and enslaved the women and children Peloponnesian League led by Sparta Definition indifference to pleasure or pain A systematic philosophy that held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason instantiated in nature

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