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James David Barber wrote The Presidential Character Continued Active Positive most suitable examples 11 18 2009 Active Negative examples o FDR o JFK o Obama o GW Bush o Truman o Clinton o Lincoln o LBJ o Wilson o Hoover o Nixon o J Adams Passive Positive examples o GHW Bush o Harding o Ford o Taft o Ike o Washington o Coolidge Passive Negative least suitable examples Presidential Tenure Amendment XXII 22 Max technically 10 years Presidential Succession Act of 1947 Line of succession o Vice President o Speaker of the House War Powers Resolution Act 1973 Required the president to notify Congress as soon as possible when U S soldiers were sent into combat situations and to withdrawal the troops within sixty days unless Congress authorizes it A longer period in an emergency an additional 30 days are permitted 11 18 2009 o President Pro Tempore of the Senate o Department Heads Secretary of the State Amendment XXV 25 o Read in Book A 11

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