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11 16 2009 Why Congress has Difficulty Passing needed Legislature Members of Congress almost always vote with reelection in mind rather than the national interest Unlike a lot of European legislatures power is fragmented or dispersed o US legislation is usually watered down and is the result of many compromises o Incrementalism slow minor changes to legislation Theories of Presidential Leadership 1 Constitutional Theory Narrow view of presidential power This view holds that the president should do only what the constitution specifically empowers him or her to do There must be clear constitutional authority before a president can act Example Taft 2 Stewardship Theory The president is an agent or steward to the people and should do whatever is necessary for the country unless specifically prohibited by the constitution Example Theodore Roosevelt 3 Prerogative Theory Most expansive view The president must act on behalf of the people and the country if necessary even if it is violation of the spirit or even a specific provision of the constitution Examples GW Bush Lincoln FDR Increase in Presidential Power Heroic Presidency without fault that can guide and protect the country last JFK the idea or myth that the president is an exceptional person almost Erosion of the Heroic Presidency Lyndon B Johnson and the Vietnam War Nixon and the Watergate Scandal The Media Clinton Psychohistorical and Psychobiographical Studies o Doris Kearn Goodwin wrote Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream James David Barber wrote The Presidential Character Provides a framework for evaluating the psychological makeup of presidents First dimension active or passive o Refers to the energy and goals the president brings to the office 11 16 2009 Active presidents want to achieve great things and leave his or her mark on history A passive president is only interesting in administering the job and getting by sees him or herself as a caretaker of the government Other dimension positive or negative o How the office affects them If positive the president enjoys the job and it does not affect them negatively physically or mentally it energizes them If negative the president does not enjoy the work but rather views the job as a burden the job affects them physically and mentally in a negative way

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