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10 28 2009 Political Parties 1828 marks the beginning of political parties as we know them today 1828 also marks the date the present Democratic is formed o Considered to be the oldest political party in the world still in existence 1854 marks the date that the Republican party Grand Ole Party was formed Also marks the beginning of our present two party system considered to be the oldest two party system Functions of Political Parties Stimulate Competition the opposition on their toes Representation Provide a means for organizing the government serve as a means of representing various groups or constituencies particularly in congress the main purpose of political parties is to win public office keep 1923 Mayoral Election in Youngstown Ohio parties in local elections had been outlawed there were 8 candidates and the Ku Klux Klan guy won The Decline of Importance of Parties among Voters we know this because o fewer voters are willing to identify with a political party o there has been a dramatic increase in ticket splitting Ticket Splitting voting for some Republicans and some Democrats Today only 20 of people identify themselves as Republicans Reasons why Political Parties are less Important to Voters The use of technology TV computers and polls Reform of the nominating process primaries have reduced the need the need to be a Increased educational level of the electorate people who vote registered member of a party to help select nominees Why the US and a Few Other Countries have a Two Party System The use of single member election districts only one person is elected from each district In Israel Knesset 120 members you don t vote on people you vote for parties Critical Elections 10 28 2009 A critical election is one in which a long lasting change in party loyalty and voter sentiment takes place It makes a long lasting shift in the voting behavior of the electorate See the text 1860 1896 and 1932 1932 Republican Democrat Great Depression o The base of the Democratic party is formed in 1932 o The Democratic coalition consisted of unions blue collar workers ethnic minorities Jews and African Americans etc Third Parties Minor Parties Have yet to win a single presidential election

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KSU POL 10100 - Political Parties

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