Biological Diversity BSCI 10110 1 MWRF 1 10 2 00 Dr Mark Kershner Week 10 11 5 Overview of Green Plants Chapter 30 if plants had not colonized land most animals would have remained in the water uses clothing cosmetics pharmaceuticals photosynthesis oxygen fossil fuels peat moss breakfast Fig 30 1 includes green algae much debate currently listed as protists likely ancestor to land plants major transitions between phylogenetic branches major plant groups What is a plant autotrophic photosynthesis complex life cycle possess cell walls pigments aid in their efforts chlorophyll a chlorophyll b cellulose polysaccharides multicellular eukaryotic contain chloroplasts mitochondria approximately 2 billion years from prokaryotes to eukaryotes additional 1 billion years for land plants to appear in fossil records from green alga like protist approximately 500 million years ago Green algae protists chlorophytes unicellular multicellular Ulva sea lettuce desmids freshwater marine charophytes Chara multicellular some unicellular most are freshwater closest living relatives of land plants Land plants bryophytes mosses liverworts hornworts non vascular tracheophytes vascularization lycophytes club mosses pteridophytes ferns no internal plumbing to move water nutrients around limits their size lycophytes and pteridophytes lack well developed root systems lack seeds gymnosperms conifers naked seed angiosperms flowering plants gymnosperms and angiosperms seeds What were some major challenges faced by plants from freshwater to land stressful reproduction self pollination seeds protected embryos modified for dispersal other modes of pollination insect bird wind living without primary source of water getting retaining water water retention structures reservoir waxy coating cuticle developed root system water reservoirs tapping into available water sources and transporting it up stomata open and close for gas exchange water uptake release protective tissues bark fibrous tissue cactus gravity cell wall at cellular level rigidity structure vascular system help to alleviate effects of gravity on water transport supportive tissues woody tissues
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