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Biological Diversity BSCI 10110 1 MWRF 1 10 2 00 Dr Mark Kershner Week 8 10 21 Yersinia pestis continued fleas infect the rats fleas become infected from the rats fleas get a blocked digestive system and bite more outbreaks still significant in India China different forms bubonic plague swellings bubos affects lymph nodes respiratory form pneumonic plague blood form septicemic black tailed prairie dog black footed ferret Geobacter metallireducens bioremediation clean out contaminated groundwater radioactive uranium benzene toluene also eaten oil spills oil CO2 clean up Prokaryote Reproduction no sexual reproduction asexual reproduction binary fission horizontal gene transfer exchange of genes between bacterial cells incorporated into genome conjugation Fig 28 11 F donor cells F recipient cells lack plasmid contains plasmid which has specific genetic information F forms a pilus conjugation bridge rolling circle replication single strand enters recipient cell second strand synthesis begins results in recipient having plasmid plasmid contains information about DNA transfer pilus formation cell protection defense antibiotic resistance transduction Fig 28 14 accidents in lytic cycle associated with viral infection phage adheres to cell phage DNA is injected into cell phage DNA is replicated and host DNA is degraded phage particles are with DNA and are infected transducing phage adheres to injects a piece of chromosomal DNA DNA is homologous recombination gained areas of genetic information that code for virulence E coli 0157 H7 conjugation transduction Transformation Fig 28 15 DNA released into environment from dead cell is taken up by living cell cell death of a bacterium causes release of DNA fragments a DNA fragment is taken up by another live cell DNA is incorporated homologous recombination Cell contains DNA from dead packaged cell phage incorporated by by donor cell bacterial genome other bacterial DNA incorporated with genome passed onto daughter cells same is true of F plasmid can be passed to daughter cells through binary fission moves very rapidly through a population

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KSU BSCI 10110 - Yersinia pestis

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