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Biological Diversity BSCI 10110 1 MWRF 1 10 2 00 Dr Mark Kershner Week 8 10 19 Gram negative bacteria Borrelia species Borrelia Lyme disease Deer tick fastens to a mammal in forest during the spring deer deer mice ticks infected with Borrelia also attach to humans 24 hours bacterium is transferred to human infection begins attached to deer deer mice good year for plant growth acorns lots of food for these mammals fecundity increased deer mice populations hosts reproduction for ticks increase Cyanobacteria blue green algae Lake Erie Microcystis toxins photosynthetic photoautotroph light and self feeding algal blooms nitrogen fixers converting N2 atmospheric to ammonia nitrate Green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium anaerobic no low O2 photoautotrophs use H2S instead of water light CO2 H2S CH2O S H2O H2S rotten egg smells Cyanobacteria photosynthesis Proteobacteria light CO2 H2O CH2O O2 CH2O organic carbon largest most diverse bacterial group alpha beta gamma delta evolutionarily distinct lineages Escherichia coli E coli mammal guts digestion common in sewage polluted water indicator from feces some strains cause diseases contaminated water undercooked red meat E coli 0157 H7 strain also associated with spinach recall other leafy vegetables death infection moves quickly populations can double in 20 minutes under optimal conditions Wolbachia species male killer intracellular bacteria very similar to mitochondria about 20 of all insects are infected inherited kill males feminization of male insects become true females or infertile pseudo female parthenogenesis virgin birth no male genetic input clones of female Helicobacter pylori associated with ulcers discovered in 1979 bacterium that thrives in acidic low pH environments Yersinia pestis The Black Death The Black Plague urban fleas feed on black rats flea with blocked digestive system from Yersinia pestis increases biting fleas will bite humans plague conditions treatable with antibiotics 14th century about 34 million people died about 1 3 of Europe s population

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KSU BSCI 10110 - Gram negative

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