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Essay Questions Practice Question 1 1 Some people have inside out theories of international relations while others have outside in theories What s the difference between the two types And which approaches do neorealists liberals and Marxists take Explain their reasoning 1 Inside out 2 Outside in a Domestic politics determine internationals politics i Who is in charge matters a Distribution of power in the system affects state s behavior b International system determines state behavior i Governments do not matter 3 Neorealist outside in a Most powerful states want to stay on top b Unitary and rational actors c The international system is an anarchy i No central authority ii Distribution of power is the key player d The most powerful state has the opportunity to control how things happen within the state e Differential growth in power i Hegemon versus rising power leads to conflict within the state f All about relative gains and security dilemma i Who has the most power g Materialistic approach i Who has the most material weapons available ii Not about who is in charge of the countries h Conflict is simply built into the system i Capacities of states within the system 4 Liberals inside out 5 Marxists a Outside in a Domestic politics help explain interactions with other states i Governs states actions b Ideational Intentions matter so countries have to know who is intending to do what when it come to the system c Who is in charge matters i Determines foreign policy d Different situated states behave differently due to their domestic politics i Different strategies to obtain the same goal i The capitalist states use the poorer states to make their products 1 Big states picking on the poorer states ii Strong states push around weak states in international system iii Who is making economic profit by using poorer states 1 Outsourcing b Inside out i Capitalist party ideas conflict with the working class 1 The powerful are the bourgeoisies ii If you want to understand a state s foreign policy look at the interest of the corporate voices Question 2 2 A neorealist a liberal and a Marxist meet at Suzzallo Library to debate the nature of international politics What is the nature of the international system Who are the key actors And what explains states behavior toward other states Answer these questions from the perspective of each theorist 1 Neorealist anarchic a Key actors states i States are unitary and rational actors b What explains state behavior i Security dilemma ii Balance of power c Who has the biggest economy military d Only two things you really need to know about international politics i Who is rising in power and who is the hegemon ii 2 most powerful states There three consequences of anarchy e i Security dilemma ii Bandwagoning iii Balancing A stable international system is one where there is a clear hierarchy of power f g An unstable international system is one where there are multiple great powers h Example i Thucydides Strong do what they can and the weak must suffer what they must ii Athens and Sparta conflict 1 2 Sparta felt threatened by the rising power in Athens Thought that it would be best to take out the threat before it overcame them 3 Do what you must due to the security dilemma facing us all 2 Liberals society a b c Key actors states and international organizations State behavior who is in power and the objectives of the national interests Ideas and intentions matter therefore the nature of international poltics is quite optimistic d Democratic peace i Democriaces don t fight each other e Example United Nations i Set norms police reprimand bad behavior 3 Marxism anarchic Key actors classes a b Behavior Corporations and the bourgeisise Rich states conflict to exploit the poor states c The behavior of the state is all based on the interests of the rich elites who are inside of d it i They have the power to control the governments e Example elites encouraged the public to go to war to save colonies in order for Germany to not take them i Britian decided to fight back ii Mislead the gernal public f Chain effect allies lose you lose Question 3 i Changes power of the international system all states get involved 3 Thucydides Immanuel Kant and Karl Marx meet at the Pearly Gates Pub to debate the possibility of progress in international politics Is it possible to fundamentally improve relations for example eliminate conflict between states Why or why not Explain each thinker s argument 1 Thucydides a Human nature does not change so there is not a possibility of progress i Man s lust for power does not change b Without a central authority very hard to make changes i Anarchy c States only care about relative gains i Always going to compete to be on top which will lead to conflict d War is repeated and the cycle of human nature is cyclic e f WWI and WWII Strong do what the can and the weak suffer so what they must i Wouldn t have been another great war like there was 2 Kant Yes there is a possibility of progress is democracy is spread within these countries a b When democracy is spread the nature is improved c Bolster international organizations and this will also improve relationships among states i Mutual caution ii Mutual respect iii Mutual interests i Encourage cooperation ii Instill caution d e Increase trade within states so they form an interdependency Ideology is that humans can learn and improve i Human nature does change Intentions matter f g Why are we worried about Iran and not Canada Intention matter i ii One is democratic and the other isn t iii We can relate to Canada but cannot truly relate to Iran 3 Marx a Yes there is a possibility of progress because the cycle is moving forward i Slavery feudalism capitalism communism b Once you get to communism the economic inequality is gone i It will become peaceful because monopolies will not be constantly fighting solely for their interests anymore c No reason for conflict anymore Example Iraq US invasion d i Only for oil 1 Oil companies encouraged the USA 2 3 Puppets for corporations Former president of OPCW got kicked out when he declared that there was not evidence to suggest that Iraq had WMDs like Bush had suggested e China favorable nation status Lobbied for China to get it i ii China couldn t get the status because of human rights issues iii Boeing paid a lot of money 1 Got status iv Result 1 America lost thousands of jobs 2 Trade deficit has doubled f If it had not been for the elites this would not have

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