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Instructions Budget your time Plan before you write Answer questions directly and answer all components of each question The short answer questions are worth 6 points each for a total of 30 points The essay questions are worth 20 points each for a total of 40 points The comprehensive question is worth 30 points Students have until 10 20am to complete the exam Good luck Short Answer Questions Choose FIVE of the following short questions to answer with a few sentences each Be sure to briefly explain your answers to each question Refer to class readings and lectures when appropriate Each question is worth 6 points for a total of 30 points I How does globalization undermine sovereignty Explain and illustrate with an example a Globalization undermines sovereignty because it makes it hard for states to police what is going inside their own borders Items are constantly coming and going through countries which limits the power that states have when it comes to policing these actions An example of this would be drug trafficking The UN says that illegal drug sales are 400 billion dollars They reduce the productivity of the people who use them and have a correlation to the spread of disease and crime But since they are brought illegally across border these states have very little control Such as when they are carried across the Mexican border into America and sold This is globalization just not the kind that people prefer II According to Cassidy what kind of truly enlightened trade policy does the US need in order to meet challenges posed by the global economy a According to Cassidy the trade policy that the US needs in order to meet the challenges posted by the global economy is to increase federal support for sciences at all levels of the education system On top of this he says that there need to be financial incentives for firms to pursue technological innovation While other countries may be taking away our telecommunication sector jobs if the US can continue to move forward our economy will remain on top Another suggestion is t build up pre school and mentoring initiatives He suggest that these will help reduce dropout rates which will help the US have a much more productive and educated workforce Another suggestion is to expand scholarships and visa to attract foreign students and entrepreneurs This way people will find it intensely to come to work and live in the US This way we will be able to compete on the global market And the fourth thing he suggests is to encourage the development of the arts The arts are important because those who are into art can often come up with the next great idea Being artistic expands thinking outside the walls and will help the economy expand as well What is the resource curse According to Hochschild what is Congo s resource curse The resource curse is when a country has a lot of natural resources that cause temptation for wealth It can also spark ethnic rivalries This comes from the Congo s legacy of colonialism and since Congo lacks a fictional government Congo s resource curse is their gold It is the paradox of plenty you would expect the level of resource to equal economic development But it is often the case that those with high levels of resources make much less than others because many of the resources and profits do not stay within the country 5 107 100 and 108 100 What do these ratios describe According to WuDunn and Kristof what explains the ratios 107 100 is the number of boys 107 to the number of girls living in China 108 100 is the ratio of boys to girls living in India The explanation for these ratios is the missing women in these countries Girls do not receive the same care as boys They often don t receive the same health care are less likely to be vaccinated and female fetuses are more likely to be aborted This is part of the gendercide that the authors talked about An extreme amount of women are simply missing within these countries 6 According to Roodman what is a key problem with microfinance And what is a key benefit According to Roodman 7 What is an environmental adaptation policy Define and illustrate with an example The environment adaptation policy is when you try to bandage the problem after it is already occurred This means that you do not try to stop environmental damage but rather understand that it is going to happen therefore plan for its consequences An example of this is planning aid for climate refugees Some people in island nations are at risk to completely lose their countries and under the adaptation policy you simply plan for this and try to help these people after the fact In comparison with the mitigation policy this policy is not stopping climate change but allowing it to happen and trying to simply fix the problems that rising temperatures cause on the people in our world Ukraine China Japan Afghanistan Stationing the troops Wanting to wait until after the election Essay Questions Choose TWO of the following essay questions Be sure to address each component of the questions and refer to class readings when appropriate Do not use the same arguments or evidence to address different questions Each question is worth 20 points for a total of 40 points PS 203 Final Exam Essay List Au13 Instructions Three of the twelve essay questions below will appear on the exam The exam will ask you to choose two of those three to answer The comprehensive question will also appear on the exam You may not use notes during the exam Good luck 1 What is a positive sum game and what is a zero sum game Do realists liberals and Marxists think of economic exchange as positive or zero sum Illustrate each theorist s understanding with a different example from historical or current events in international relations a Positive sum game b Zero sum game c Liberals i An interaction where when I gain you also gain i An interaction where a gain for me is a loss for you i Positive sum game ii Not focused on how much everyone gains but that everyone is gaining in the LONG RUN 1 In the beginning inequalities will happen but in the end everyone will get the benefits from trade 2 Any economic exchange is a good thing 3 Not that everyone gains a different amount a Both USA and Britain gained the most from their currencies iii Everyone can lose from inefficiency so for everyone to gain there should be a division of labor iv Believe in specialization 1 People should produce what they have a comparative advantage in a Define comparative advantage v Example

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